I am currently taking 30 mg of abilify and i currently feel no tactile sensations any longer. at thirty mg i do expierence restlessness but im mainly derailed by lack of an erection. Are erection problems common for majority of the people here or is the side effect caused only by the hihh dode i,m taking?
I’m considering a switch to geodon can someone please advice how geodon is with sex life? I iunderstand the risk with geodone with possible heart irregularity.
This is a tough question. I would ask your psychiatrist about the pros and cons of both medications and decide from there.
I’ve been on Geodon, which caused my heart to race. Pretty scary.
Same here.
If you can manage on Abilify, you should stick with it. There is more to life than sex. I’d take a malfunctioning member over cardiac risks any day of the week.
Thanks for your input
i can manage on abilify but i dont want to live rest of my life (28 now)knowing geodone or another drug can improve ED
Has their been any reported deaths from racing heart or elongating heart intervals issue?
Yes, that’s why it’s so widely known.
Hey I take Geodon and it’s true that it often causes heart problems. I have high blood pressure because of Geodon. I have to eat a low sodium diet and exercise religiously as well as take a medication for the blood pressure.
But sometimes Geodon really works. For me it really changed my life. I will be graduating summa cum laude and I was also told that I am receiving the chi beta phi science award in psychology. I would say that the manageable high blood pressure is worth the life I have. I mean psychosis is horrific. No one deserves it.
I feel very sheepish asking this, but can a pill for ed just be added to your Abilify? I take abilify and i’ve been on geodon and I do remember getting weird heart palpitations to the point where I called my doctor to take me off geodon–at the age of 19! heart palpitations!
I know that’s like adding one more drug to the pot, but at least you can have you abilify and have an end to ed, as well…
for me all antipsychs killed my sex drive. I just drink 3 cups of gotu kola, sarcosine, and some other stimulant teas together and that gets me pretty stimulated, but I’m female, so maybe this is totally moot…but maybe the anti-ed pills might work?
Thanks for your input sir
If you dont mind sharing can u share wether geodone has had any impact on your erection. I plan on getting married in the next year or two n i want to be able to have sex lol
Have u tried abilify can u compare geodone and abilify from expierence?
Thanks for ure response
I havent talked to my pdoc yet about getting on the ed pill but im sure he’ll run me through some tests before he puts me on the pill
I would take ED problems like I have now on risperidone then switch to a med that ■■■■■ with your Heart Rhythm (Geodon)
I personally wont even consider trying Geodon.
I do know that there are people on it that swear by it.
I have a Heart Murmer and a fast natural Heart Beat - I take a Beta Blocker.
Hi, I haven’t tried abilify. I did try zeprexa and it ruined a sexual encounter I had during that time. Geodon does not seem to have an effect on my erections per se, but they just aren’t the same as the throbbing angry ones I had before meds.