Stay at home blues

When the stay at home order struck, I was okay with it. I like being at home and always found something to do. Now at 3+ months, I’m itching to go out. To dine in or shoot hoops or anything! Despite rules relaxing, I remain cautious, I’d rather play it safe than risking contraction.


The 17th marked four months of lockdown for me. I’m a solitary beast for the most part, but it’s starting to make me crazy as well.

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I come to the park and drive through fast food joints. And of course grocery shop.


Lockdown is over, here. But we had protests and musical festival…
We could have a second wave.

I’m 51 with a not-so-great heart. Lockdown is my new normal.


@MrSquirrel I’m sorry to hear that :confused: :slightly_frowning_face:

It’s not all bad. I can pretty much avoid in-laws forever now.

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Lol. You see the bright side ! :smiley:

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We aren’t doing too bad but down south is getting a dramatic rise in cases. I’ve been out running everyday just about and the odd trip to the shops for necessities. Ate out a couple of times for breakfast and that was really good…I think there’s more drama to come though.

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My psychiatric care provider is restarting group therapy sessions next week. I signed up for one because I don’t want to get discharged for not participating or attending. Face masks are required, and there is a limit to the number of people in each group.
Covid19 cases are increasing in the state I live in, and I am high risk because of my diabetes and emphysema. I’m somewhat wary about going, but I need to.

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You should have the right to not attend if you are concerned about health. There’s no reason why they can’t offer online options.


I’m used to it. I get anxiety. I’ve been isolated for 10 years.

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