Starting a new class Sunday

Currently in History of Rock and Roll. Sunday I start Psychopatholgy/Development Disabilities. It is only a month long class. When that ends I will start Understanding Mental Illness the next day. That one is a two month class. Getting super nervous to go from one class to two. I’ve done it before but it is a lot of reading for me.


What’s your major? What do you plan on doing?

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My major is Applied Psychology: Mental Health Services. I plan on becoming a mental health technician.


Hope it goes well. As always keep the stress low and maybye set aside a time everyday to read. I’ve found getting into a routine helps with reading…it took me a long time to get back into it but I’m back reading everyday now!


Thank you. That is awesome you read everyday. Ive never set a schedule for reading as I go around my kids schedules. But maybe I will set a designated time when my husband gets home from work. That way I know I need to get my butt on it. Lol.


You sound good @Saywhaat. I think you just need to do your best with all of the stuff you’re dealing with and you’ll be fine. I think keeping busy is a good thing, just don’t let it overwhelm you. I wish i could send an operative curse on yer pesky neighbor, but I currently have no special powers lol.

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Thank you @eighteyedspy23. That would be awesome if you did though lol.

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