Spontaneous erections


So I’ve been getting these non stop ever since getting off APs and even more so after quitting nicotine.

Anyone out there knows how long this lasts for ?

Caffeine seems to help but I wanna stay away from dopamine for a bit.


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Anyone ? …


I’ve never had the choice of leaving behind antipsychotics. Most of us don’t have that luxury. I’d suggest a regular doctor is the key.


I’m gonna try and write this without sounding aggressive or hostile.

It’s not a luxury to be off meds,

It’s a luxury to get rid of the horrible side effects that destroy your life.

Learning how to cope with your delusions and paranoid thinking without medicine is a one way ticket to hell, not a luxury.

Being on medicine is a luxury.


rant over

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My point is that most around here don’t have the choice. It’s antipsychotics or psychosis. Back in the day there were people here who lived in institutions. Their mailing address was the wards.

You seem very coherant and cool for someone so stressed and symptomatic which makes me question your whole approach. Are you sure your on the right website? As I say. Most punters don’t have the luxury of not taking meds…we go psychotic and slide pretty quickly…


I agree with @rogueone

I have tried to come of meds quite a few times, and I end up getting put in hospital until I become compliant again.

I am surprised I don’t have a court order.

If as you say @anon57786250 that it’s not a luxury to be off meds, then I would question why you’d want that?

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Cant deal with the side effects and the constant sedation and anxiety that arises everytime I take a dose of an AP.

Amongst any other reasons as well.

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I have mainly gone non-compliant because of these reasons.

My answer to that is to keep trying other meds and don’t give up

It took me 6 med changes to find a med that didn’t ■■■■ with me to much

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Maybe why you don’t really suffer like most people here. What is your diagnosis? We don’t diagnose and can’t around here but I’m interested in your story. You will do poorly with sz meds if your not sz. Might be a reason why you suffer so?

Just asking. You seem way too together for someone suffering from sz and that is a concern.

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I do not wish to partake in this conversation because;

  1. It’s making me angry.
  2. Many people view this site and the last thing they need to see is that people are doing fine without meds.

TaNk You FoR Ur CoOpeRaTiOn.

Back to the topic please, any further off topic posts will be flagged.

Yeah fair cop maybe but I’m still concerned. I’ve seen behavior that is replicated here which isn’t good for the community. Your aggression and secrecy isn’t cool in my book. My question is why your doing well without meds. Most I’ve seen don’t and that is the concern…

Your court.

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I think you need to follow your own advice more often. Next time you could just ignore it rather than having to say it to make some kind of point


It’s the withdrawal matey,

Alongside the hypno jerks, anxiety and other things as well.

Can we move back to the topic plz ?

Duly noted.


I’m done. Do what you want but promoting a non med approach here is toxic. Yeah might work for you but saying that you " Should do what you want and don’t listen to others " is a totally bogus approach.

You should be censured for that and it’s not cool. I can’t quote because I’m an old bastardo but seriously. Can you see why I’m not cool with your whole approach?

I think for many of us it can be a cost(side effects) vs benefits( reduction of symptoms) situation . Some people set a low bar as to what side effects they’ll put up with , even if the positive effects of the AP are greater than those side effects .

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@rogueone Stop insinuating that @anon57786250 doesn’t belong here.

i suggest you block each other because if this keeps up, the nitpicking, I’m going to not be as nice as I am right now.


@anon57786250 maybe if you reach climax it will cut down on your erections. That’s the only thing I can think of. Sorry, I wish you had some helpful male advice around but the thread went off topic.

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After about 9 months of not masturbating or having sexual intercourse, you will experience a nocturnal emission. :slight_smile: It is natural, now I won’t invade your privacy, are your erections for a lady? That is not my business. :slight_smile: