South Park vs. Family Guy vs. The Simpsons

  • South Park
  • Family Guy
  • The Simpsons

0 voters

I just canā€™t watch Family Guy.

ā€œHe has balls on his chin!ā€


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Actually south park pretty funny but it has not virtue at all which i find aggresive and disturbing.simpsons both funny and has good virtue values

which one well rot you mind faster. poll please.?

South Park was very funny up until 2015. After that itā€™s meh.

Simpsons was very good until 2008. Also Simpsons movie was very good.

Family guy was never funny at all.

My vote goes for South Park because their content is much superior to their competitors also the creators of South Park respect Simpsons which they have shown many times in their episodes.

South Park is oddly ā€œtriggeringā€ for mešŸ˜‚ how weird is that?

Or at least it was when I was psychotic and a few months after I got out of the hospitalā€¦ havenā€™t tried to watch it again, I donā€™t plan to.

family guy is by far the best show in TV history

I liked The Simpsons in the 90ā€™s growing up but lost interest a long time ago. Never found Family Guy funny, never liked South Park all that much either.

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sorry, No, No, and No.

I was a big south park fan back then, i havent watched the new seasons but maybe i will and i have seen some clips about the pandemic episodes looks fun lol.

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