I’ve missed the last 2-3 seasons, I stopped watching when they moved to Tegridy farms.
It’s not as hilariously offensive as it used to be, and I’m not liking that each season has a storyline instead of separate stories for each episode like they used to.
I haven’t seen it in a long time, except for clips here and there. The clips seem funny, but I suppose only the funniest parts of each episode end up being shared widely enough for me to see them.
Not sure what to answer. Although I haven’t seen all the new episodes I think, they have some funny bits here and there. But I think a lot of the older seasons was funnier. I think about from season 5 to about season 12 was the funniest.
It’s still funny but you have to lower your expectations a bit. I thought the recent vaccination special on HBO Max was funny. I think they’ve gone as far as they can with the Tegridy Farms thing but they just won’t let it die.
Since you are into Adult Swim, might I recommend two AS YouTube videos, “Too Many Cooks” and “Final Deployment 4: Queen Battle Walkthrough.”
I’ve only seen a few episodes ever…I didn’t find the show particularly funny. I’ll tell you another cartoon that has really gone downhill: The Simpsons. I watched an episode recently and not only wasn’t it funny, but the plot was just all over the place.
Yeah, The Simpson’s golden age was back around the time they were airing season 7, but they’ve definitely gone down hill in the past 15+ years. 30-some seasons, just, wow. Some time they need to cut it loose. It’s served its purpose, let it die a respectable death.
South Park? Never really watched it. Saw the movie. Left feeling like I lost 10 IQ points and most of my afternoon.
I think if you actually have to ask the question, “Is this show still funny?”…well…the show is probably past it’s best before date.
Comedy is a tough business, though. It’s really hard to stay funny and fresh all of the time. I think that’s why Seinfeld left pretty much at the top of his game…before his show got old and stale.