I am a fan of musicals. I love em all. What’s your favorite one, fellows and fellas!
I like Annie Get Your Gun and Avenue Q!
I am a fan of musicals. I love em all. What’s your favorite one, fellows and fellas!
I like Annie Get Your Gun and Avenue Q!
Rocky Horror Picture Show
LOVE that one too XD.
Best performance :3
I don’t like a lot of musicals, but there are a few… Nightmare Before Christmas is wonderful… And, don’t judge me too harshly, but I just love Godspell.
Judge you? I love Nightmare Before Christmas
WHat’s this what’s this! THere colors everywhere!
It’s so wonderful! Godspell is the harder one to sell… It’s extremely 60’s, hippie- Christian…but I love it
I have this on my ipod XD
I haven’t seen Godspell.
I can imagine it is the oppoiste of Avenue Q’s themes.
Nice song though.
My daughter says, “Sound of Music!”
musicals go over better live. at least, that’s my opinion. i’ve never seen one i absolutely loved on a TV. god, no, where’s the gun? i have to take that back. when i was 7, Grease 2 came on HBO every third day one summer. i couldn’t get enough of it.
I like Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
That is a great one!
Doe, A dear
I’ve seen Phantom of the Opera live and it was wonderful! There is something magical on on stage acting. I prefer some live and some in movie form though. Sometimes, the stage can’t provide the full effects of what is going on or all the settings.
Phantom of the Opera is definitely best on stage
i’m too tired to argue . . . er, discuss
I don’t like musicals but am a fan of the song Annie get your gun, by Squeeze. Does that count?
I love the old show tunes especially anything written by Cole Porter. He is one of my favourite composers.