Soon it will be Christmas

How are you going to celebrate it? I think I celebrate it alone as I have done for many years, which is ok. What about you?


My mom comes round and I cook us both dinner. Afterwards put on a Christmassy movie.


u guys have x-mas while we Hindu celebrate Dashain…!!!
this season is for celebrating and offering…!!!
Merry x-mas in advance…!!!


Maybe this thread was too early, it is still 80 days to x-mas. happy Dashain.

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Its okay it reminds of holy days…!!!

It will revolve around my nieces, which should be nice. I find Christmas stressful though. The best advice I got about Christmas was from ex forum member @darksith, and he said to treat it as just a normal day with presents.

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It’s funny. I hated Christmas :christmas_tree: before I was sz. Now I’m really looking forward to it as a distraction from my own inner workings. Plus watching nieces and nephews together always cheers me up.

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Well I hope to be celebrating with my kids but I’m sure I’ll come on here and wish everyone a happy Christmas so you won’t be alone the whole day @mjseu

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Christmas is my favorite holiday…if Angela doesn’t get a job by then it’s going to suck this year…I’m used to it…I haven’t had a good Christmas for years…usually mom gives us $100 so we will be able to buy some gifts for each other this year though so it shouldn’t be so bad.

Halloween comes sooner! :grinning: :jack_o_lantern:
I hate the consumerism euphoria that goes along with holidays.

Past year you was drinking bottle of orange juice and watch fireworks at the close border of russiai think.this year past quick but lot of achievement for me.

Getting a live or faux Christmas tree this season, dressing the tree with many cherished ornaments, busy holiday shopping, buying Christmas cards.


Last Christmas I had no money, so I just made apple butter for everyone. I got the apples cheap from a nearby orchard, and jars are only like $7 for a dozen. I think I spent $30 on enough for twenty people. Everyone seemed to like it better than previous years, and this year I have gotten requests to do it again. Handmade gifts are the new thing!

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wow, that’s really resourceful of you @Ninjastar !! reminds me of that movie where the divorced mom of a baby makes applesauce for the community after leaving the city with a high level of income as a member of a company. good movie, thank you for reminding me…I sure can’t remember the name of the movie.

I could teach you if you like. It’s very easy to do, but it takes hours.

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I saw a bumper sticker today that said"Put the Christ back in Christmas" and I thought to myself “What a boring approach to Christmas, they must be old people”… and I drove up past them and assuredly I tell you, they were not lacking in age.

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yes please post a recipe?

here’s a recipe for ya.

                             MICK'S GUACAMOLE

4 peeled and pitted avacados , mashed with a fork.
1 roma tomato, finely diced
1/4 finely diced red onion
finely diced cilantro
I deseeded and destemmed jalapeno, finely chopped
juice of one lime


1 t salt
1/2 t white pepper
1 t garlic powder
1 t chili powder
1/2 t black pepper

mix all ingredients with the spice and chill thirty minutes…

Every year my family decorates the house for Christmas the day after thanksgiving. From then until Christmas, we go get our tree, bake Christmas cookies, my mom boils a holiday simmer pot that smells like apples and cinnamon, and we go to the Christmas Eve service at church. On Christmas my fiancé and I open presents with my family and have Christmas breakfast, then for dinner we go up to his extended family’s house with his parents and have a big Christmas dinner with his whole family and open presents there. This is our first year living on our own so I don’t know how it’ll be different this year. I’m sad I won’t be with my family as much this year

It’s not really a recipe so much. Peel and cut up a bunch of apples, put them in a pot, and fill it halfway with water. Then boil it and let it simmer until the apples are mushy.

Add cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, and brown sugar to taste, then keep it simmering until it becomes thick enough to be used as a spread. Stir every ten minutes, so the bottom doesn’t burn.

Then I run it through a food processor to make it smooth, but you don’t need to. Then fill a bunch of sanitized jars up to the ring and place the lids on, loosely screwing them on just until you meet resistance. Fully submerge them in a pot of boiling water and boil them for ten minutes, then take hem or to cool. The jars will seal upon cooling. Check the safety buttons to make sure they’re all sealed, and you’re done!

If you have a rice cooker, you can use it to cook the apples instead of a pot. It cooks more evenly, so the bottom doesn’t burn.

And thanks! I love guacamole!

mjseu , what do you do over christmas when you are by your self?
Do you decorate, eat christmas food by your self, etc?

Ive spent quiet few chirstmases alone but did have invite that i declined.
I did not decorate or eat christmas food even but this christmas i want to eat christmas food and decorate etc.

This sounds beautiful Ninja star.
Good on ya for making such nice gifts to give.

I believe I will be by my self this year unless my mum that i grew up with comes to visit.
I do not feel like the family are my real family and am not really so close with them.
I adored specially some of them and remember making one of them laugh as a baby.Delightful sweet sound.
But things are as they are…
some of them have been beyond horrid and nasty to me, lying, inciting hate, cheating,stealing and the list goes on.

Im living in oz now but am originally from Sweden where they celebrate Advent and light Advent candles in windows which can look cozy in the dark as it is often dark all day that time of year there.
They also celebrate Lucia.

Heres recipe for Lucia buns. Often they may be served with glögg a heated alcohol served with raisins and nuts in it or julmust a type of cola drink that is only sold twice a year.

Lucia Buns/Lucia cats

50 g butter/margarine, 2 dl milk, 25 g yeast, 1/2 dl sugar or sirap, pinch salt, 5-6 dl flour,bag of g real saffran .
make nice dough.
Allow dough to rise under towel in bowl for one hour or so.
Bake out cat buns with raisins in if you want or only two raisins as eyes.
Should make ten buns or so. approximately.

They also make Rice porridge Which is a porridge made of rice .
cook rice 10 minutes in water, salt and butter.
then add milk with cinnamon stick and cook 30 minutes or so.Sugar can be added.

I love the alamalta version where you have the rice porridge but you then mix it with whipped cream and sugar and serve with slices of fresh orange.

They have some cozy xmas markets in the dark where they serve glögg and ginger bread biscuits and sell craft .

Here where I live i might go for dip and eat something really nice.
Maybe ill meet a good man for me by then.
Other wise probably be alone.

This xmas i want to make or buy xmas things and i want to buy advent lights and try make it cozy and christmassy .

If you go to Ikea around christmas you may be able to but lucia buns in freezer by food section and also glögg and other good stuff.
If you are interested in trying…
Ikea is in many countries and big cities.

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