Sometimes my neck hurts really bad

I don’t know what triggers it. I don’t know if I get really anxious and tense and that maybe triggers it. I would think I slept wrong but it’s like hours and hours since I slept so that doesn’t make any sense. I don’t know what to do except take some medicine and put some heat on it. I don’t see the Chiropractor till the 24th. I hope it’s gone by morning. I really don’t like pain.

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My dad woke up one night in exquisite agony from his neck. He was literally screaming in tears. An ambulance arrived and took him to hospital.

After much investigation it was found it was a pinched nerve which ‘slotted’ back into place when a doctor examined his neck. I think a chiropractor might have helped him


Oh that poor man. Thank God it went back into place. He must have been so relieved when it went back in. I don’t think mine’s a pinched nerve, it feels swollen, like I can’t move it around quite so well, I took some Ibuprophen, that should take the swelling down here in a bit, I just don’t understand what I did to it. I guess that’s what I get for growing old.


Think it could be arthritis? Can you get that of the neck?

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Yes, for sure, that’s probably what it is too

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