Some rambling about life and Mother's Day from 77nick77

I’m a friendly chap in real life. I respect kids women and older people. I’m even friendly to most other men if they don’t act like jerks or fools. I know the guys on here don’t respect me as a guy or a man but I face the same sh*t that they face every day. I go through the exact same things they do, maybe more. But you guys don’t know everything I’ve been through just like I don’t know everything you’ve gone through.

There’s nothing new under the sun. And I can give it back too, as much as I hate too. I know some of the little tricks and games that go on and I know about the times that it gets serious and real. Seriously. Very seriously.

And I know what women go through too and while I try to treat them with respect, I know that not all of them automatically deserve my respect just like not all guys deserve my respect. Just because someone is a man it doesn’t mean they automatically deserve respect just like being a women doesn’t mean you automatically deserve respect.

But I know that women are just trying to survive just like me and have a little fun on the side if they can when the time comes. Enough of my stupid rant. You’ve heard it from me before. Anyways. Whew! I got that out of my system.

Today was a good day!! Me and my sisters and my nephew drove from San Jose to Stockton, where incidently I was born to my lucky parents in 1961. We drove to see my step-mom and meet her for lunch for an early Mother’s Day present. It was fun.

Good food, good company, lots of laughter. It took my mind off of my troubles. Then we got ice cream afterward. Life’s funny that way, lol. I mean having an ice cream isn’t going to solve the world peace problem but two scoops of caramel fudge ice cream hit the spot. By the way, I don’t even know what I just wrote even means, lol. I hope you guys had a good day, and you can all wish your mothers a Happy Mothers day, courtesy of 77nick77.


I respect you, Nick. It takes a lot of guts to work when you have sz.


I respect you also Nick. I am glad you’ve gone before me as a sz in recovery. Im glad it can be done! Ty


happy mothers day, i got my mum a bunch of flowers a couple of days ago but i think she’s still looking for a vase :confused: she has a vase but she was using it, she also won some money at the bingo which was lucky, she goes with a guide who helps her with it.

i have a lot of respect for the people of this forum nick including yourself, sometimes think i have none myself though but maybe thats not the case, i heard if you give something good that you get it back ten fold and i really hope that that is true even with respect, take care.

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Hey Nick you prolly one of the few people here or anywhere that I honestly do respect.

And simple pleasures can make a complex day better,im skarfing a pack of donuts and its making my day.

Thank you, I appreciate that. Enjoy those doughnuts. I respect someone who respects me.

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U too.
have a great day ahead…:alien:

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Nick, everyone on here respects you. :sunny:


Respect you, nick. Happy mothers day to the mothers i dreamed of.

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Well, not everyone, but thanks for that @everhopeful.
Well, maybe you’re right and it is everyone.

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Are you kidding? You’re the tribe elder around here, I couldn’t respect you more, @77nick77.

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I respect you @77nick77

With the exception of the time you PM’d me a pic of you naked in a lawn chair eating a banana…hell yeah…I respect you!

Thanks, @NomadicRoots. Everyone in the world doubts themselves at certain times or wants to be respected.

It was an apple. And it wasn’t me, it was @shutterbug, lol.


I’m sorry. Father’s Day is really tough for me too. I get irritable and cry a lot. It sucks sometimes. I’m glad you were able to spend time with your family. :heart:


Thank you, cj95556. Enjoy your night.

Women are not a different species. We do experience the same misery with schizophrenia. What I have experience on top of that is sexual discrimination. It really drove me over the edge. I respect people until they do something that takes that away. I guess I feel respect should be automatic unless the person does something that demands disrespect. I was called a witch and a whore and I no longer respect those people who called me that.

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I know that women and men are alike in many ways. That’s obvious. Yes, you have a point when you say everybody deserves a chance to show they deserve respect. But I’m talking about first impressions and strangers. When people who don’t know me show lack of respect why should I treat them with respect?

As you well know there are other levels of respect besides brute force. By the way I treat women with more than enough respect and I have my whole life. Maybe too much. I grew up with two sisters and my mother. And after knowing them and their friends it would be ridiculous to me to think I’m superior to them just because I’m a man. And by the way, I think (in fact I know) that some women use sex or the fact that they are a women to get what they want. I guess that’s the way the world works but it can drive a guy crazy.

Yeah, I’ve been treated bad by women and I’ve been treated badly by men. I treat people with respect. But one of my main goals lately is to get on with my life and not become bitter. It’s under my control. I love standing out in front of my house, near our busy downtown, sipping a soda and just saying “hi” to the college girls and guys who walk by. Lol, It’s all friendly.

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