Socialization opportunities

Hi everyone. I need to expand my socialization. I’m at a point in my recovery where I feel I can take steps to interact more with others. I’m even willing to consider volunteering as long as the hours aren’t super intense. I’m going to talk to my therapist about it when I meet him next week.

Does anyone have experience in finding groups/activities that helped them expand socially? I feel like doing stuff small to start would be better since it could be gradual :smiley:


Joining a board game meetup is how I met most of my current friends.

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Awesome. Is there good a website I can use to find meetups?

Meetup is the name of an app that can help you find social groups in whatever city you’re in.

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You just type in what interests you have, and it will match you with people who share that interest.

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Wonderful, thank you :smiley:

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I used meetup dot com to find Yugio games for my son in San Diego. This was like 15 years ago. They still send me emails but I don’t live there anymore and my son is grown but it does work to find people with similar interests.

I didn’t know they had an app.


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