So what're you all up to this Friday evening?

I’m just sitting in my bed waiting for something to happen but nothing ever does

Could you sit on a park bench tomorrow or on your porch instead? You can get some fresh air, get some vitamin D. You can be among the greenery instead of four walls and obtain some space outdoors.
I’m getting ready for a funeral tomorrow. I’m trying on the black pants and dark shirt. I’ve never been to anyone’s funeral before.


I’m not sure yet 15 15 15

Same thing here except im sitting on a couch

I shall continue my never ending phish and radiohead extravaganza and await my death some more.

Can’t do anything if there is nothing for you here. I mean i really hate this ■■■■■■■ place.

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Throw some pixies in there

Probably a good idea.

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I was doing my homework. It’s so hard and there’s no solutions manual! :scream: My brother is asleep already, my dad is drunk, and my mom is out playing music with other people for fun. I’m going to try to talk to my sister for about an hour before she goes to sleep. And of course I’m on here.

Im eating tacos …

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Slept from 8:30-12:30. Not I’m up drinking coffee, might go back to bed, just don’t know.

Then it gets late and there is nothing to do but watch a neighbor play vidios games on line! Oh what fun!

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Just got in from an attempt at night fishing… no luck…

It’s warm out… so the beach is busy…

That makes me very irritated.

The noise level of the night is getting to me.

When I was young young I would put on headphones and play not a thing.

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thank you for that… I’ll go find my head phones…

I’m sitting at my computer at 1:48 in the morning listening to Cadaveria and eating cookies and milk.

Where do you live?

Oh thats where the Zen comes from.

Its saturday night here in Australia. I been watching football all day like all saturdays. Just watched my team play. Game finished in a draw. That sucks!!

I went out to see one of my friends. she had a another baby boy 3 months ago, her house was a mess and I carried her baby boy for about 10 minutes and realized I couldn’t live that life she’s living. I don’t have energy and patience to play with a baby for more than 10 minutes. I don’t know how people do it.

Today I’m gonna go shopping for gifts for my family.