We’ve had such great weather in England recently. 27 degrees yesterday and blue skies. I spent most of the day at the pub with old school friends (still in close contact after 16 year or so). Was a lovely day.
I don’t do that well when it gets to 30 degrees, so this is like the peak temperature for me. I enjoy the sunshine and blue skies. Its so inviting to go outside and the warmth is so nice even if is too hot to go the gym lol.
We are having extreme hot weather here in the lower Yangzi River Delta region. We had 38-9 degrees 5 days in a row this week. Hopefully it will be rainy this weekend and the temperature will drop.
40c From next week monday - here in the south of England. Ive actually forked out a couple of hundred for a window AC Unit.
I have 3 file servers in my flat - and they been constantly shutting down cos of the heat. Right pain in the bum - cos thats my entertainment.
I fear this will be the way to come in future. Other countries are probably prepared for it - cos they got the infrastructure to deal with it. But the uk certainly isnt.
I agree. But it depends how flush you are. If you have somewhere to keep it where it wont be in the way and have plenty of money to spend, it will last for like 15 years or so - not that bad. But for me its too big of a sum of money and it will be in the way all the time lol.
It hit 25C outside here today and now it’s nearly that inside even with both air units running. My wife did a bunch of baking for her mom this morning and ran up the temps on me before she left.