So, I went to schizophrenia support group again yesterday

Why do schizophrenics not make eye contact? Out of the 7 of us there there was only 1 lady who was made good eye contact.

It was a faith based support group(I know)

Anyhow, I found the experience the second time around to be quite depressing. I don’t want to have the same problems as these people. I feel like if I worked on my eye contact I wouldnt belong there.

I think I’m going to get a couple self-help books on amazon today about how to make personal relationships more rich.

Thanks for reading.


I went to a Hearing Voices Support group for a while and found it depressing as well. All I wanted at the time (I had just barely got out of the hospital) was to feel normal again and I definitely didn’t in that group. I did find a Depression Bipolar Support Alliance group that was much better for me and I have been attending regularly for over a year now.

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I’ve always wanted to attend a support group. Unfortunately I can’t seem to find anything supportive in this city. In the past it’s been scary feeling like your not normal and your all alone. The people I turned to for help simply would tell me “don’t worry, you’ll be fine. You don’t need help.”

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I met a schizophrenic I was in hospital with on the street. Well he was sitting outside a cafe having a coffee and cigarette.

At the time I felt I was higher functioning than he was. Fast forward to right now and I’m not sure that’s still the case. But I never met him again in any case.

Maybe seeing others with schizophrenia is unsettling as it’s like a mirror and we all might like to think we’re doing better than we are.

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@Rellik, are you in the states? If so, there’s DBSA and NAMI. Hearing Voices network is in the US and UK from my understanding.

@everhopeful, yeah, I don’t feel like a great person for not wanting to go back to the group. I’ve run into a couple of people that I meet in the hospital, though not necessarily that they had schizophrenia. When I saw them, I mostly wanted to avoid (one because he was not a great person and the other because it was while I was working). One person I did say hello to because we ran into each other in a mental health clinic. It was genuinely nice to see her.

I think in general I am functioning pretty well. I work, study, and spend a good deal of time with friends. I wouldn’t say I’m 100% but don’t think I’ve finished the process of recovery yet.




It’s not available in my area, I’m from California.

I’m sorry! I would think in California there’d be a whole bunch available. The other thought I had was to look on psychology today and see if there are any support groups being offered by a therapist. Also, community mental health agencies often have group you can attend, with quality varying.

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