Has anyone been to a support group? How does it help?

I went to a bipolar one yesterday and it helped so much… :smiley:


Good going @anon80629714. I would go to one if there was one near me.


That’s great ishy :smile:


@anon80629714 Good for you :slight_smile:

I would like to, but I have a hard time finding them around where I live. I think NAMI holds some at some local churches though.


People in my support groups whether it’s aa or my out patient group are super nice…way more supportive than this board. No one hiding behind their computer screen, no cliques, just everyone being super supportive…this is what I’ve noticed lately. The people on this board either have more issues or they can hide behind their computer screen. Don’t get me wrong, the whole internet is this way. But the internet could be a scary and cowardly place sometimes. Everyone in real life is much nicer and more supportive…at least to me. It doesn’t matter the demographic. I’ve been the only white person in the room in Iop and I’ve been a group with ten other white people and also a mix. Either way I get way more support there which is why I’m probably gonna leave this board when I start school… Too much negative energy here. Save a few people. My .02


I’m very anxious when I go to groups that I have been to. I don’t know why.


I have been to a support group 4 times. I stopped going because I was the only Schizophrenic. It seemed like a supportive & helpful thing, but I was seeking a more Schizophrenic specific group. I guess I just needed to hear “That happens to me too.” at the time.

My advice with any sort of Therapy is that eventually it will Question, Scrutinize, and Judge you. The urge to Flee, Fight, Deny, or Defend will pop up occasionally. Take a breath for a moment and just Consider instead.


I think of this place as a support group, I really appreciate it when others hear me out you know?


Oh wow. I didn’t know you were feeling this way. I will miss you if you’re not around.


@anon80629714 I’m glad your support group went well. I hope you keep it up.

I’ve never gone to a support group, just here on this forum. I like it here though.


I went to one but it was a bunch of 14 year olds… i was a Native elder compared to them. they are so fragile, those 14 year olds.

I’ve been to a substance abuse group and guitar group plenty of times they aren’t bad groups for me sometimes I just get anxious around people I don’t know well.

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Check out freshope.us mostly bipolar but accepts all illnesses

you could inspire people by letting us know how you get on, like a progress report and how school is affecting your symptoms, why dont you write about the help you receive from these support groups if you havent already, people will be inspired :slight_smile:

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Wondered why no one responding to my posts. Maybe it’s time to leave again.

No , I’d like to go but it costs me $300 a month since the county won’t pay since I don’t qualify for Medicaid

I went to one before, they help but I had to leave the clinic since the doctor said they couldn’t help me anymore.

Hmm yes much the same was specifically for bipolar but open to any suffering any mental distress. Very much the blind leading the blind in a lot of cases. Made some good friends hard part was we lost two members due to suicide.

A new one I’m looking at is run by a psychologist. Mainly dealing with anxiety and depression, I have spoken to them and I’m eligible.

Waste of time for me, no one had alogia so all that happened was everyone else talked and I just listened. Made me feel like crap so i quit, stop putting money in ppls pocket who never had to struggle a day of schizophrenia. Good riddance.

I go to a voice hearer’s group each week. I find it beneficial too.