So I realize that I need to take medication

But does anyone in this site have any idea when they are going to have new/better antipsychotic medication that actually treats the symptoms and does not ruin your quality of life.
I’m currently taking latuda 40 mg and it has a significant negative impact on my ability to
2.experience pleasure overall physical health is poor from being overweight and the EPS side effects(amongst others).
Seriously, will there ever be better Antipsychotics than these? This is a really bad situation

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I take generic meds they are really old, please ask if you have questions

which ones do you recommend ?

I would start with a low dose of Elavil /amitriptyline. I started out at 25mg but I think you would be ok at 50 mg after a month or two.

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interesting suggestion, depression happens to be a major issue for me. Im currently taking 30 mg of prozac. Afraid it could make me manic though.
Im afraid that I need to take an antipsychotic as well, do you happen to now of one that doesnt suck?

Well I take mellaril / thioridazine. as an AP but you cant take if you have a low qt interval. I have no heart problems so its ok for me to take it. I would start my dose at 50mg with that

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You are familiar with the terms “first generation drugs” and “second generation drugs”, right?
Well I got sick in 1980 before the second generation drugs came out.

I remember in about 1988 I went to meet my mom and step dad for coffee at a strip mall. We met up and sat inside to talk. I was going through a particularly hard time and I told them I felt like giving up and I felt a little suicidal. They tried to cheer me up and give me support. I had been on medication by then for 7 years.

I remember both my mom-and my step-dad telling me, “Don’t give up, scientists are always working on better drugs for schizophrenics and a new one could come out soon.” Well, two or three years later they were right and the newer second-generation were released.

Now, people still disagree whether the newer drugs are more effective or not. I’ll let you research that yourself if you want to. But I think you see my point.


I think that was pretty encouraging actually. Is there a big difference between the two? Ive only been on haldol for a short period of time but I did not like it.
Maybe we are on the cusp of newer better ones coming out. Im sorry that you had to put up with that ■■■■. I hope that we all get to experience life on some type of new and improved antipsychotic that works completely differently from the ones we have now. I can tell that if I skip my meds for two days I start to feel so much better physically and emotionally but then the crazy sets back in.

I am no stranger to Atypical Antipsychotics, when I was in the hospital that’s what they gave me. they were not effective for me…

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What I hear the most is that the newer drugs are not any better than the older drugs for symptoms but their advantage is less side-effects.

This is what I’ve heard, but I’m just a layman.

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Side effects will be debated all the while, its just a matter determining what works for you. My pdoc told me when he was working at the MAYO Clinic in the 70’s that the meds im on were the work horse of meds back then.

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you’re right, we can hash and rehash the side effect debate until the cows come home. Its not a new one. I guess there are two choices, take your meds, or end up in the hospital. The third choice, and the one that i am struggling with still after 15 years is accepting that I have an illness. This just occurred to me.
I hope that i get it because some people don’t.
But if they did happen to come out with better meds, I’m saying that it could save my life

Sorry to hear this. I am on a loxapine and abilify combo. It treats me ok. Although I wonder if I am treatment-resistant at this point.

Take care :v:

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Im just lucky because my Pdoc has extensive experience with the meds Im taking. He gets $600 an hour… My RX is about $130 per month. I just got my heath ins working again, before my out of pocket expense was a lot cheaper. I don’t have a choice Im functioning at a high level, and cant afford to not take my meds.

The newer atypical RX are a ton more expensive…

thats great that you are functioning so well. I still have major phobia around being out in public and being medicated. The meds make me feel pretty strange and I can’t adjust to them. 600$ an hour is 50$ more than my doc. You must be near a city because thats expensive. Im collecting disability too but have a benefactor. my meds are virtually free as well as therapy sessions that are in network but the Dr, is like paying a mortgage.

I only meet with my pdoc for about 15 minutes per meeting. I don’t do therapy, that’s great that you are.

It seems you would have to make a transition directed by your pdoc. I got lucky that my pdoc has experience with the meds im taking.

I moved semi recent time ago whereas my “old pdoc” had got me on the meds im on after 5 years of work. I was so relived when my new / current pdoc said there was no need to change my meds. However we did increase the dosages.

I do know that there are APs in the works that are going to target both positive and negative symptoms. This is really important. Current APs only help control positive symptoms, and many of them actually make negative symptoms worse! I believe for most it is the exacerbation of negative symptoms from these meds that makes people unable to live productive and good lives even while their hallucinations and delusions are managed…