So I did an experiment with eating sugar

Started adding it to coffee and tea. But have stopped now. Prefer my warm drinks sugar free. This is lucky for me as I am a case of diabetes waiting to happen


I prefer tea without sugar/sweetener , but have to have my coffee sweet.

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I go unsweetened iced tea.

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I don’t sweeten my coffee or my tea because i am diabetic. Where i’m from we drink a lot of sweet iced tea, so switching to unsweetened was a big change for me.

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You can always use artificial sweeteners

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I drink my coffee and tea without sugar.
I’m diabetic.

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Yeah, Splenda is pretty good. I actually prefer my coffee unsweetened with just creamer. The tea i could sweeten but i’m so used to it now it doesn’t bother me.

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I drink coffee with milk and tea without sugar.

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