So Far Today I

Cleaned the bathroom, vacuumed the workshop and did some accounting, lots more to do…

Do you know where your vacuum is ??? :joy::rofl:


Iv’e got shitloads to do
on this day.
Nedd to sort notes on my phone,
do some preparation for my volunteering,
that’s it really
it’s a lot of focus and concentration

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I watched all day Tv and still doing it :slight_smile:


I changed a lightbulb. But other than that it’s just been TV.


I took down the rubbish to the bins


We should have a “so far today I” New Years special and call it “so far this year I”

Have done pretty much nothing :slight_smile:

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I walked the dog
Sleep for a bit
Saw my nan as it’s her birthday
Sleep for a while
Have dinner
Here I am now.

My hoover was out on Friday so not due to do that today :slight_smile:

Back to work tomorrow so I am just trying to prepare myself for that. Plus I only got about 3 hours sleep last night

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I did a lot of accounting, but still have tons left KMN!!!
I washed up and changed my sweats
I started laundry

Well done matey. Great when you get somewhere and tick off those little things that need doing.

Since mum has been gone I’ve been doing most of the cooking and dad the cleaning. I also get up and do the laundry so we are getting it all done!

Well done to you and keep on keeping on!

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I vacuumed too this morning. Watching the LSU game right now.

Then I will cook my New Years dinner. Cajun boiled dinner with sausage, potatoes, onions and cabbage and some black eyed peas.

I may run to Target and get something for dessert. My parents are coming over and maybe my sister and brother in law and nephew or nephews. You never know how many are coming with my sister. She has four kids.

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I went to church and had breakfast with my dad. I read for perhaps an hour. I am going out with two friends for pizza for dinner. Other than that I lay around and napped and I feel very bad about that. I would say I napped for about 4 hours. It’s been that way for more than two months. I don’t even watch TV now.

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