So been on top of my housework

I have become houseproud again. I keep the flat looking pretty good. The bathroom is nice. The kitchen/livingroom is good. Happy


I may make an effort.

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Awesome I need to do the same, this is motivating thank you!

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i need to hoover :confused:

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Well done!!!:metal:t5:

That is something to be proud of.

I am also proud I just did the dishes again and wheel barrowed wood and other home jobzzz.


The kitchen floor was pretty dirty, I thought it was permanently stained with dirt and grime. But a few days ago I used ammonia and scrubbed it with the brush on my mop. It came clean and three days later I’m still admiring my handiwork.


An organised house is an organised mind. If only it worked that way!

Well done matey. I’ve just started making my bed every day after years of neglect. It actually is something to indicate I’m doing well with things mentally! I’d suspect the same with you!

It really is something to hang a hat upon. Well done you!


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