I have not had an illegal drug for 27 years come December and no alcohol for three years and no legal type of high at all since 2 years ago. I’m on Diazepam but it doesn’t get me high even at a high dose. I am chemically addicted to it though. When I went to the mental hospital last year for 12 days I had to wait in the emergency room all night while they ran tests and they asked me if I wanted a drug and I told them no I was an addict. I thought later maybe that was dumb but if I had had a drug I would have slept in the day on the ward. I stayed awake all day on the ward and went to the groups and stayed out of my room even though I slept very little at night and they kept me very sedated.
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Congrats @everhopeful !!! Big deal
I am on 11 going on 12 years free.
My last relapse was nearly £1,000 on cocaine withdrawn from a credit card in cash with a super high interest rate
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Congrats @everhopeful.
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