Smoking may be beneficial to us

nicotine helps reverse hypofrontality , a common disorder in patients with schizophrenia. I just wonder did anyone here use nicotine patch helps to alleviate their illness severity? but not smoking?


it is quite well-studied. imo

Anything dopamine related is beneficial.

Our brains are deprived of dopamine, which in turn lowers our hallucinations, but it destroys many many other factors such as pleasure, motivation, cognition etc etc.

That’s why we love coffee, cigarettes, hell, some enjoy a good puff on a joint and a sip of alcohol.

Taking APs is like pissing on a fire; sure, eventually you’ll put it out, but you’ll strain your kidneys and damage your whole system by doing so; ONLY for sake of being sane.

Again, in no way am I advocating the notion of not taking meds.

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sorry but i think taking meds are important and it actually does not cause such a big damage to kidney like what u said, being insane is more disastrous to life. But even i said so, i am still yet to take my meds.

From what I understand, dopamine is high in some areas and low in others. That and we are hypersensitive. It’s a huge complex thing that involves many different factors and variables. There is a condition out there where people get a crap ton of dopamine yet don’t experience psychosis.


Smoking helps me deal with schizophrenia. I would stay away from it though. I couldn’t afford buying packs when the tax went up…used to be 4 dollars a pack now its 7 for Mavericks. I have an electric injector where I buy my own tobacco and insert tubes with filters.

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how about nicotine gum/ patch?

Cigs are activating and a horrid drug. It acts on nicotine receptors which you have. It’s a perfect storm. Dopamine activation and not is a complex business but antipsychotics don’t affect your kidneys. It’s not all about dopamine because if it was you’d simply stop dopamine and you’d be cured. Dopamine agonists work over psychosis. It’s better technology and it’s better than what it has been.

Antipsychotics don’t damage the whole system. They aren’t pouring fire on a system out of control or whatever. That is a limited and political view of just what they do and it’s rather a stupid explanation to be honest.

I’ve seen old papers about the pre frontal cortex. It’s notoriously inactive in sz and nicotine is activating for that region of your brain. That would be different receptors than dopamine for sure but I’m no rocket science. Please. Don’t believe what you read off the internet from some people who have an agenda. Ap’s work well for a lot of the community.


I use white, colorless “tobacco pouches” also called snuff , i don’t want to damage my lungs. I don’t know if it helps or not, i have been on it for 15 years without any troubles.

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Nicotine has anti-inflammatory properties but slowly damages the blood-brain barrier. Can worsen mental illness long-term.

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how do u feel? do u think it helps?

aging is already doing damage to our body. not an excuse for not to use any drugs /treatment.

Smoking is carcinogenic. It damages our cells genetic material. I will never touch a cigarette again

And increases likelihood of damaging the lungs

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Yes smoking is not good for us, I believe tea is also damaging to Heath

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