I’m something of a technophobe about them. I’ve got a basic mobile phone c2005 which I installed opera mini on. The screen though is very small and typing out a reply to anything a laborious and difficult task, as is navigating my way around.
What I wonder is to do people keep their smartphones on all the time or just at certain times? I know that a lot of people have smartphones even on this forum.
I recently got a smartphone and the manual says to leave it on so mine is either on or charging or both. Although you can turn them on and off when you travel or store them.
I have both a smartphone and a smartwatch and the effects its had on my life have been great!
It’s not just for talking or texting–it’s a daily calendar with vibrations sent to my wrist through the smartwatch to remind me of doctor’s appointments, etc…
It has a camera for taking pics of my kitteh
It has a gps so I don’t get lost.
It has amazon kindle app so I can read books whenever I’m at the DMV, waiting in line for hours.
It has music apps, which are great for listening to with headphones while I’m taking a walk for basic exercise.
It also has the option of tons of apps on the android (or apple?) market. I used to use a daily mood chart that I could log my med compliance and mood swings in and download little reports! Would have been even better if I’d taken those reports to my pdoc but I uninstalled it eventually for more memory.
There are tons of advantages to having a smartphone, even if you don’t text or phone anyone!
And yes, I keep my phone on 24/7. My smartwatch, too. The only time I really turn it off is to reboot when it malfunctions.
@Moonbeam I use a laptop to access the forum. Accessing the forum on my current mobile would be very difficult and laborious.
If I ever used a mobile for internet I’d have to have a way of easily accessing my rss feeds as that’s where most of the news stuff I post comes from.