I keep doing ■■■■ like staying awake until 8am to 11am or 11pm to 3am. The meds aren’t working. Like sonata for when I wake up in the middle of the night! I’m still wide awake and want my coffee!
But really it’s a big issue for me because of Geodon. Geodon doesn’t mix well with many other meds. No seroquel for me, no trazodone, no prazosin because Geodon with propranolol and prazosin means blood pressure drop while you sleep.
I see a new doc next week, I’m on my own in a new town with a couple thousand and few hundred saved up. I’m doing fine otherwise- when I study, it’s good, checks out. I just need like 14 hour days, 6am wake up 7:30 workout 9am be at desk. Then it’s stop to eat a couple times at 11 and 6. Then read more then housekeep then shower, care for my body and sleep. This hasn’t been happening. It did for the first three days when I was busy unpacking and driving but now I’m all like sporadic hours of function and few hours of sleep.
I felt good and went to sleep last night because I was full. I was told to not go to bed full because it makes me wake up, and well, it did at 3am. No more chips and tv at 10pm.
But really I just want to have my schedule back. I’ll be alright today, I’ll take my time this morning and then do some cardio and then go to Walgreens for more must have meds. I’m gonna take another 30 mins for the sonata to clear out before coffee because that ■■■■ didn’t work. I guess it will be coffee and vape and then eat and cardio (CARDIO OR DIE ON GEODON) and then articles all day like 50 of em.
I just hope I can read well enough with 4 hours of sleep. If I can’t, I’m gonna go back on zyprexa for this, it made me sleep just too much, like 12 hours.
When I had sleep problems I was given seroquel and this sorted everything out. But I see you can’t take that with geodon. I read somewhere that some doctors prescribe antihistamines as sleeping pills. Don’t know how safe this is however.
I’ve taken that before. It was in a generic called “Elavil”. I think it was a combination of amitryptiline and a sedative. That med. has been know to re-establish a normal sleep pattern. It worked well for me for about six months, which is saying a lot, because being on a normal sleep pattern has always been very abnormal for me. It quit working after about six months. It didn’t cause me any problems, other than dry mouth, and it gave me six months of restful slumber with no side effects.
Exercise…sleeping pills suck…its easy to build up tolerance and they all make you feel off the next mourning…in my experience anyway…although what i take for energy also helps release the natural sleepy chems in your brain after 12 hours…so idk good luck…sleep is of the utmost importance to a sz…
First Ativan was enough to help me fall and stay asleep, then I got tolerant to the drowsiness effects, went on trazodone in hopes of getting off benzo, trazodone made me drowsy but only kept me asleep a few hours, started taking both at same time and it’s a combination that’s worked great for me so far. Trazodone knocks me out in 30-40 mins and Ativan shuts off my hyperarousal so I sleep through the night.
Unfortunately that still leaves the issue that I’m on a benzo.
Hey Mortimermouse, sry to hear you are still struggling with your sleep. Don’t really know how to help, I wrote everything I knew in the last post. All I can think of know is that maybe u can’t fix yourself chemically anymore, I know it’s hard to give up on drugs, and I myself is constantly trying to find that miracle pill that can cure and give you a perfect life, in your case a good nights sleep. Maybe try some mindfulness, I know it’s sounds corny, but u could try it. And maybe full blown Buddhism if you like. I know Buddhism is only half the truth with all that love thing and love for all beings, but those monks that can live solitary and still be happy has figured some ■■■■ out, that u and I prob don’t know what is. We are caught in this system having to achieve, to be accepted, and dude u are a high achiever. Maybe cut yourself some slack and take it easy or you are going to combust or something. U really have achieved a lot and a lot of people look up to you, myself included, but even Elyn Saks aren’t perfect. And even though you maybe think a lot is wrong with you and you need to prove something so people can think otherwise, it’s just a fault of the system making you think like that, you are all right as you are, no sleep or with sleep. So try to take it easy, read some philosophy and don’t get caught up in the either failure or wonderchild thinking. You’re just human like the rest of us, and u can afford some faults, like having trouble sleeping, without it making you a total disaster. There may not be a quick fix to it this time around, like the magic pill I talked about. You really are a great human being and need to treat yourself like that, and not as a machine that has to achieve. I know this stuff, cause I get caught up in it myself, but nobody’s perfect, not even you, and me neither. So instead of worrying why u can’t sleep, be happy cause that makes u unperfect, and after all it’s genetic faults that drive evolution, if u believe in that. U are welcome to hit me up if u want to chat personally, cause I really see a lot of myself in you, without neglecting that you have achieved much more. Intelligence can be a curse and a blessing, I don’t know how much I myself is blessed or cursed, but u sir certainly are very intelligent, and that maybe comes with a cost, for me it makes me constantly wonder why we are here and what’s our purpose, but I am always ending in blind alleys. So no truth for me yet, and neither I think for u, until u take it easy and cut yourself some slack. Best regards and hope you figure it out and make you own way though this. If you find the truth along the way plz share it, could be nice to know, hehe. Jokes aside, all the best wishes, you truly are an enigma, as we all are.
I have a full pharmacy att home with sleeping pills.
Nitrazepam - makes you sleep through the night if you have problems with waking up ever hour. Does not make you fall asleep.
Zopiclone - makes you fall asleep. But if you don’t go to sleep the effect will pass in 4 hours. You might do stupid stuff and hallucinate if you don’t sleep at once.
Melatonin - you know already
Alimemazine - makes you sleep through the night. Takes about 1 hour to work. Lasts for 12 hours. Can get very dry mouth.
Sonata - same as Nitrazepam but last for 4 hours.
Oxazepam - helps with anxiety if that is the problem keeping you awake.
Quetiapine - AP that is very sedating. Most of the time keeps me sleeping for 8 hours.
When Quetiapine is not enough I need to kombine the above to get some sleep, the mix is depending on the problem.