But I am too body conscious to meet up.
Is she supportive of you?
I’m fat and I don’t go out in public for the same reason
She is so busy she has little time for an underachiever like me
I’m very sorry to hear that you feel that way ⚘
@anon20613941 @anon20742722 don’t do it!!
Don’t isolate yourself over body image!
I think that it is a great thing to socialize regardless of how you look.
A body you’re unhappy with shouldn’t prevent you from getting out and about.
I guess if I have to I just make a joke so I feel better about it. I just think if someone’s fat it means something is wrong with them- their thyroid their medicine their disgusting eating habits, etc. the same goes for me. Maybe people don’t overthink it like me.
She’s your sister, she’ll want to see you regardless of how your body is.
Don’t feel so sorry for yourself that you forget that others don’t. I mean no harm by that.