Sibling problems

As a younger sister. I hero worshipped my big sister. She, on the other hand, had to think she was better than I was. So it was an unequal relationship. I noticed she could do things that I couldn’t do and she wouldn’t allow me to because that was her territory.

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I was a problem for my little sister and i feel awful when i remember. Hope she will forgive me.

Actually, sibling problems are “normal”. The older one can’t help but feel booted out of the nest by the presence of the younger one.

I was the opposite. I have a half brother and he seemed to enjoy my company. I would almost say look up to me. This is despite the fact that he was so good at everything and I blow at everything. I almost felt like ‘why would you want to hang around with me?’

Nothing returns a person back to their youth faster than sibling rivalry…nothing that is, except one’s mother and/or father.

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Ha! I used to look up to my brother…now I can’t even take him seriously.


I admire mine for leaving me alone.

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Same. Two older sibs, they’re close in age, always been left out, especially by middle child who to this day cannot help but attempt to say things around others that might embarass me. Molested me very young, punched/hit/kicked me several times as we got older when I wouldn’t do things like give over my clothing to borrow or hand over a candy bar, stole from me several times, threw in my face a few years ago “at least I don’t have to take medication” during a hissy fit when I could not babysit for her for- almost had to call cops on her for not leaving my house. Has made me hate her in recent years, yet I am to blame for ‘changing’. She has always resented me and I don’t know why. Best part of moving far away is that I only deal with it once a year now when we travel back for a week.

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I guess we all have experience such thing, I honestly hate my sister back when I was young. We have an eight years age gap maybe that’s the reason why we don’t get along so well. Recently, she lost her job and came back home that when everything change. We become best of friends, it’s been week since she move out again and I do miss her. She is basically the complete opposite of me, she’s friendly and crazy while I am much more of an introvert. Sooner or later, your relationship will be better. Remember that blood is always ticker than water.


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