Should psychologists be able to write prescriptions

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure

0 voters

They are not qualified and don’t have the training to be giving out Meds.

They should have clear knoweldge about drugs …anything possible man @firemonkey
Thanks for sharing…

If they were qualified wouldn’t that mean they are psychiatrists


I went for ‘not sure’. I do think they would need a lot of training to qualify to do so.


At one time, the Medicare plan I had sent me to their mental health clinic where I saw an NP (nurse practitioner). I never saw an actual psychiatrist there but she reported to him and was able to write prescriptions for my meds. I know an NP is not a psychologist though; just my two cents worth.

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The NP at my clinic used to be a psychologist for many years. Then she went to nursing school for her RN and then onto get PsychNP degree. So now she doles out scripts and you get a bit of therapy at the same time, she also teaches classes and does groups which a regular pdoc wouldn’t do.

No definitely not! They don’t have ANY medical training. They don’t understand pharmacokinetics, pharmacology, any of it. Only someone trained in medicine should be able to give prescriptions. If there is such a shortage of psychiatrists (There is, I once lived in a place where the closest psychiatrist was in another state, over an hour away!) they can deal with the shortage by training more nurse practitioners and physician assistants. That’s exactly what we need. We do NOT need people without proper medical education giving prescriptions.


Also I would note that the places that don’t have psychiatrists also don’t have psychologists, either, in most cases.

We could also educate and train family doctors in psychiatry as well. Most of them already have some understanding, they routinely give medications for depression and anxiety, so they could learn to treat more complex illnesses.

I can see how a psychologist might have an idea of what meds to give someone. But that’s not the hard bit. The hard bit is knowing how these meds interact with other meds and the physical side effects and complications of such interactions.

To do that you need a systemic knowledge of physiology and pharmacology. A psychologist wouldn’t have this.

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I voted no. I can certainly see the benefit of this, especially where there are long waiting lists to see a psychiatrist, but I think it would be too difficult to achieve, the training would need to be equivalent to a psychiatrist really, in terms of the medical background and the mental health… it’s such a complicated field, and psychology focusses more on challenging thoughts and behaviours, whereas psychiatry involves a much deeper medical understanding. A few months had a GP screw up and prescribe me amitriptyline for back pain, and it triggered a severe manic psychosis. I’ve also had a GP prescribe medications that caused a dangerous reaction with my psych meds. I think when it comes to prescribing drugs and understanding all the possible interactions and side effects, that it’s best left to psychiatrists. I think the same applies to GPs - they shouldn’t be trying to treat mental illness without a full understanding of the implications. That’s my tuppence anyway.

As someone who has been to a Psy D program and left because it was fake- NO, psychologists have no ■■■■■■■ clue about meds. Their education is just in mindfucking, they do not even know brain systems better than an undergrad student in neuroscience.

They tend to think theyre hot ■■■■ if they pick up any hard facts, because their education is composed of six to eight years of alternative facts.

I was so brainwashed into thinking psychology was the best thing ever that I even majored in it, did an advanced placement thesis, and won the award for best in department- highest GPA and best research. I went on to a Psy D (doctor of psychology) program where I was debriefed that it is all just people who read books full of alternative facts, more like perspectives, who are then automatically given clinical judgment. I asked a TA about a Bender II figure of a compass (cardinal directions looking ass) and I was told to just use my clinical judgment. Whoa, wait up. Judging a students IQ on a shitty drawing is fake 2) the shitty drawing could have been shitty for so many reasons 3) it was just “youre the doc now just do whatever you think is right” - okay, so I get doctor authority because I passed a test to get in this room, and I am paying shitbuckets to be called doc

bye bye was what I said to that

now I am jobless and hanging by a thread

kept my integrity, fair trade.

see? psychologists suck. They all say “■■■■ integrity” and pursue their fake doctor license by reading loads of pseudoscience.

And guess what? Their whole game is just manipulating people with words, selling or planting ideas like a virus in your head. I would know, I was the top of a class of over 200 psych majors, graduated and certified, and did an award winning thesis in PSYCHOTHERAPY so yeah I know what shrinks are made of. I saw the curriculum for everything a shrink knows, I still have it- and guess what? It is all made up. No hard science, all wishy washy opinion of people with doctorates in pseudoscience. Guess how you get your doctorate in pseudoscience? You write a ■■■■■■■■ paper, flip the data because no one else looks at it, and then practice your psychopathic deviant glib and superficial charm in front of a committee of people who have done the same thing, then you are awarded an advanced degree and lots of adoration.

Sick sick sick

But Im not sick in the head, I am more medicated right now than I ever have been, so this is all true.

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