I’m coming off meds soon and I was wondering if it would be a good idea to tell them.
IMO: No. They are your collegues, not your friends.
Are you getting delusions of love again?
Seriously though if you told them that you were on meds, then you can tell them that youre going off of them.
I don’t think I would tell them at all…
I have a pretty good family… good relationship with many of them… but there are times where I’m in a light hearted mood… being goofy… or I’m hitting that reflective stage of Fall and the end of the year… and my family will ask …
did you take your meds?
I know meds alter moods… but sometimes… a person is just having a good day… or sometimes a person is just being reflective…
I do tell people I have Sz… but I don’t discuss the nuts and bolts of it.
Why not. It is a good thing you are doing…
PS: If you TOLD THEM you were mentally ill and ON MEDS ---- Only THEN tell them that you are feeling better and coming off them now.
If you DID NOT TELL THEM about your mental illness . Then keep it numb.
I would not tell them - they don’t need to know
They don’t need to know @anon80629714. That’s disclosing a really personal thing and opening yourself up for some ignorant judgement, not they’re fault either, just the way things are atm.
I would tend to just wait until people asked about your situation. In my opinion, I am too altruistic, too caring. If people want to genuinely know about my situation, then it’s time they showed some efforts of their own & made the “first move” to improve our friendship. I’ve done too much self-sacrificing in my day.
It depends how you feel about it? Are you comfortable with the thought that your colleagues know about your illness and what you are up to? Can you discuss your illness with them without any second thoughts? Tell them.
If not then keep it to yourself and family (and close friends if they know).
Me, i wouldn´t tell. I see my illness as my private thing. I don´t want them to ask me questions about it. At least not yet. And think about the negatives if you tell. It might prevent you from getting a job in the future if your future employer finds out about your illness.
Who would you employ…a healthy young individual or a person with schizophrenia?