I have been on sustenna injections and it helps me of all my delusions and paranoid schizophrenic problems but now after 7-8 months i feel like i cant really communicate that well like nothing pops up in my mind when trying to find anything to talk about and sometimes i get grammar wrong when talking when i realize i wasnt like that before. Im scared that ill not be able to find a girlfriend when im as boring like this. I heard abilify is a less sedative medication that sustenna but im afraid if i change to abilify that my delusions will come back. Opinions please.
Perhaps it’s more than just your meds?
They say if you don’t use it you lose it! So some sort of graded social interaction might be a good idea!
I have been on invega injections for the past 8 months. The only medication I take. I recently weened down from 819mg to 117mg. The doctor is also a homeopath and is treating me with orthomolecular medicine as well. My degree is in nutrition so I know the science is sound. With supplementation I have been able to successfully function without relapse of episodes. They include vit c @ about 3grams/day, Bcomplex (niacin6oomg), omega 3 EPA DHA, magnesium and vit E. It works. Mental clarity has improved, libido, concentration and ability to communicate better.
819 mg? Isnt 1 shot 150 mg maximum?
And do you mean you mean you still take shots and take vitamins or are you saying you just take vitamins by itself?
And whats orthomolecular medicine if i may know and are they working?
Sorry for asking a lot of questions.
@Nelson23 invega comes in many doses. I was on 819 that’s one shot every three months though. its like a time release. They slowly tapered me off I’m down to one shot once a month at like 117 or something now. the doc says if I can maintain good results at this dose he eventually wants to continue to take me off. He is a natural path and md. He studied in Europe and knows a great deal about eastern medicine too. Orthomolecular medicine is like nutrition therapy in simplest terms. Like for example if someone has scurvy you treat them with vitamin C. The brain works much in the same way when it comes to neurochemical regulation and expression, particularly when it comes to neuroplasticity but that’s a whole different genre. (If you want I can link you to some original articles and case studies) But its a controversial subject like stem cells and hasn’t really cought on in the usa yet as a primary form of treatment but its apparently big in asia and most of Europe. Ive read a number of books on the subject and I even posted a post in the medicines section today called how I became symptom free with little to no medications. You should read it but I think its locked by admin cuz some users didn’t want to hear what I was preaching and tore it up. I tried my best to defend it and posted it to maybe be able to help others but whatever I don’t care, It worked for me so far 9 months now and that’s all I care. I did write an email to admin though asking why its locked, mayby tomorrow they’ll explain it to me. Also I used orthomolecular medicine in combination with other therapies and got results. I think if you do ALL together you can help your body enough to maintain a preferred state of balance and homeostasis and results there would follow. At least for me, but everybody is different. I don’t think there is a cure for sz but I was able to leave my house again, finish school and get a job.