Should I make an appointment to see my psychiatrist right away?

My eye twitches are getting more frequent.
On and off all day long today.

Should I see my psychiatrist right away?

Or wait it out for another 3 weeks when I have my next appointment?

  • See my pdoc right away
  • Wait 3 weeks for my next appointment
  • Ignore the twitch altogether

0 voters

It’s probably not TD. It could just be stress. But to put your mind at rest I’d call your psychiatrist.


Yeah it might not be TD but Risperdal can also cause eye twitches unrelated to TD.

I don’t think that Risperdal is a safe drug to be on long term.

I’ve been on this drug for over 12 years.


The heck with this.
I made an earlier appointment with my pdoc for next week.

I just felt a new twitch on the bottom right side of my lip!

■■■■ this!


@Wave , I’ve been on some form of Risperdal or another almost continuously since 1996. I’ve never had any muscle twitches like you describe.

I have had intention tremors however. These go away completely with prn Cogentin which I take nightly. Cogentin may help you. You might ask your pdoc.

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good that you made new appointment!
I hope they can make you feel better.

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I’m glad you made an appointment. I’m sure things will get sorted out

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I went through a eye twitching phase

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Thanks everyone! :slightly_smiling_face:

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