Sharp chest pain and heart attack

What are the symptoms of a heart attack?
Its been a couple of years, since I gained 150lb, that I am having sharp chest pain. It lasts a second. Sometimes more and I have to get up from my bed for it to go away. Its like clogging arteries. It feels like if a knife is cutting my areteries. It happens about 5% of time of my day.

I am taking meds for hypertension and high cholesterol. I am supposed to do a blood test but I can’t now because of the virus. I was supposed to do it in January. I don’t like doing blood tests because I have to wait 4+hours sometimes outside -35C in the winter.

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I think I have something similar. Does it feel like a sharp crackling pain that gets worse when you breathe?

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Sharp chest pain is less likely to be the heart. Also, heart related chest pain usually gets worse with activity and movement.

Heart related chest pain feels dull and extremely painful. Like an elephant sitting on your chest.

And the pain can radiate up your neck and down your arms and also to your shoulders.

It can also feel like indigestion, gas, and it can also feel like you have to move your bowels.

It can make you nauseated and can also make you short of breath.


I don’t know what it is then, maybe the lungs?
I need to talk about it with my dr but now with the corona there is no way. I also hate doctors because I have to wait 1-2h even if I have an apt. That’s how it is in Canada. At least health care is free.

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Can you call your doctor? And does it hurt more when you breathe?


Yours sounds like it might be the lungs or, more likely, a muscular issue. But, I’m no doctor. I’d advise you to see your doctor.


It goes away after a couple of seconds. Sometimes I can’t breath so I am starting to think that its lung related. Both my grandfathers died early because of lung cancer.

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Anytime you can’t breathe, definitely see a doctor right away for sure.

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I ignored it because it goes away after a couple of seconds especially when I move. Its been a couple of years like that.

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Okay I don’t think it’s anything deadly. It’s gonna hurt but you have to try your best to breathe deeply. Also drinking water helps me. You should probably call a doctor though.


I don’t have fever or any other symptom of corona. I never go outside even before the virus and its been like that for a couple of years.


@Aziz, Who knows? It might even be covid 19. Trouble breathing is a big symptom of it.

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I highly recommend talking to a doctor before you freak yourself out. I have this symptom and it’s been going on for years, so it may not have any relation to any disease.


@Sardonic is right. Sometimes I get little sharp pains in my chest that get worse with breathing. The pain only lasts a short while. I akin them to chest cramps. The way I get rid of them is by taking a deep, long breath when I get a pain. This stretches the chest muscle involved in the cramp and eases out the cramp and the pain goes away.


Yes, this it what I’m talking about. I think it’s safe to say that we’re all discussing the same thing? Don’t worry, you’re likely not in any danger. Just breathe and hydrate.

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Weird cramps, I haven’t done any exercise and I have cramps. I guess its the breathing muscles like the diaphragme? I will ask my dr probably in june if they still take appointments now.
I just hope its not heart or lung related as both family sides have history of cancer and heart attacks.


It’s good that you are seeing a doctor about this just to rule out anything more serious. Good for you. Good luck.


People have told me that when you’re having a heart attack, there’s no guessing about it it’s really a heart attack because the pain is unmistakable


The thing is that I am only 29y.o. and I have old people issues because I don’t go out of my bed and gained 150lb.

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Maybe in the case of men. But with women, oftentimes heart attacks go unrecognized by both the patients and the doctors and women die. Very common.

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