Sexual Dysfunction after taking Risperdal (Really Worried Please Help)

So about 3 weeks ago i wen’t to the doctor because i was suffering from OCD and had enough, so he prescribed me Risperdal. It caused me to feel sick, tired and not myself and I had NO libido while taking it. I used to be able to get hard at just a thought, now it doesn’t work at all … iT’S MAKING ME EXTREMELY Worried ! I’ve been only on it 3 weeks and I went back to the doctor and he said it’s a side effect and got him to take me off it. My question is, am i screwed now for life, also since being off the tablets for 4 days now i have bad guilty feeling in my stomach, like a deep pit and i get sick when i eat and have diarrhea.

Lol you will return to normal off the med. same thing happened for me.


The withdrawal effects can last anywhere from a week to several months. But after that, you should go back to where you were before.

Side question: do you also have a psychotic disorder, or are you mainly just dealing with OCD?


Sexual dysfunction is a common side effect with a lot of medications.

After you quit taking it,

Could be weeks to get back to normal.

So, I wouldn’t get too worried just yet.


No just temporary :slight_smile: thx for listening


I’ve been on some form or other of Risperdal for the past 22 years and I’ve never had any sexual feelings or urges while on it. I just call myself celibate and am happy this way.


How long did it take you to return to normal, weeks or months? I’m worried that I won’t

Just have ocd mainly, nothing else

My ex girlfriend was completely sexless on Risperidone. Her sex drive came fully back when the doctor discontinued it.

To be honest it was pretty quick for me but could be different for you. Ridperdone is known for its sexual issues, and I’ve not heard someone not returning to old form after discontinueing it :slightly_smiling_face:


About a month ago I switched from risperidone to paliperidone. They’re similar but the paliperidone I’m told has way less side effects.

Within a couple weeks, my sex drive rose up to what I’d guess to be normal levels for someone in their mid 30’s who doesn’t get action.

You’ll be fine, at this point worrying about it is going to cause more issues than any temporary side effects. Just give it a couple weeks :slight_smile:

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It is common for risperdal to do this. It lowered my drive a bit when I was on it, and quit taking due to prolactin issue starting. Try to get the doctor to prescribe you something else, so the withdrawal effects aren’t so unbearable. Cross tapering is the way to go in my opinion. But you may do ok just how you are. Sex drive will return. I have heard of some guys doing better on seroquel as far as sex drive goes( but I couldn’t say for sure as I am a woman). But it can be sedating until you get used to it. Helps with anxiety a ton though. Usually docs use SSRIs for ocd like Prozac,Zoloft, Luvox…but if you have mania issues at all then that may be why the doc went for seroquel I the first place. Just talk to your doc about the issue you have with risperdal, they likely have many ideas of alternatives you could try next.

I had the exact same experience. Was on 2mg then increased to 4.took it for a few months. Am off it now and sexual dysfunction was gone in a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed for you.

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How long until she went back to normal

@irishguy23 it took 7 months for me after I discontinued the pills

why was this brought back by a person who doesn’t even post?