Sex over 40+

Its like trying to book a vacation
Wait until the timings right, your both in the mood
It feels like the timing is never right and if one is in mood the other one isn’t
I might have to book it a week in advance :thinking: even then :laughing: :rofl:


My husband is in his 40s.

I’m almost in my 40s.

We have scheduled sex.

It’s better than no sex.


Yes thats how its looking
Scheduled :date:
Not like in our twentys when it was spontaneous

Doesn’t exist for me. Was not aware that such a thing was in existence. Thought it was just a myth like the loch ness monster. I must have photographic proof to believe that this is true!

Err…maybe not.


Yes… maybe not
25 yrs together this year
Its few and far between nowadays :laughing:

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lol. JK. I may have gotten a little in my early 40’s. It seems like a long time ago though. Like a distant memory…

Are you married @Bowens

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he wants it, I say, No.
it’s usually in the morning.
then I feel bad, and say, I’ll get cleaned up.
goes pretty smoothly.
so, really then, what’s the probably after 40?
I think Phil is like 63.

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No, I am not

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Don’t give too much info away lol

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Bah…I’m not afraid to share most stuff on here. I’ve shared delusions more personal than marital status. :stuck_out_tongue:


Ive been feeling more comfortable with hubby the past few days
Like i can read him better and notice his bubbly personality shining through
Its heartwarming for me
I know he would like prefer me healthier in mind
But i actually have stronger connection with him now
I want our relationship to be as normal as possible so i will make the effort

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do you talk to yourself? Phil hates that.
you can never predict. ha.

Not out loud


I get my man up and put him down every night and im in my 50s


Scheduled sex, my god


What type of sex?

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ohhh, I do. and I also scream at the t.v. over news shows.
just what I’m like, Phil.

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Hippy style

What style do ya think? :laughing:

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What’s sex, I forgot?