Self Portraits

Listening to some tunes, I composed my self protrait on my tablet.

I haven’t done any colouring before using digital art, so forgive my novice attempt.

I used 3D Paint and drew from a photo on my phone.

Please feel free to upload your own self portrait here, but I doubt many will… :blush:



I’m glad you are happy!


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You are very talented!

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I was inspired by seeing some art and thought maybe I could do that!

I love digital art! I’m not very good at it but I find it entertaining. I just posted my latest fan art on here

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I’ll search for it and give it a viewing! :slight_smile:

I was thinking of investing in an easel and giving painting a go!

I think I’ll need a lot more practice before I do though.


Hey @broken another one with blue eyes and goatee/beard!

Great Stuff!

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Dude that’s nice man!!! Looks just like you :grin:

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Thanks man!

It takes awhile to accustom to drawing on a tablet using an app, but it was fun.

What to draw next?

Space ship

Enough Christmas :rocket:

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Draw obscene pictures

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Creating a space ship of my own and not copying one is hard man.

All the pics I see of spaceships are their original work so would seem redundant unless I could devise one myself. I wouldn’t know where to begin with that.

I see some photos of animals such as frogs and stuff that I could copy though, perhaps,

Or someone else’s portrait!


My favourite artist did that! Egon Schiele. Check his work out!

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Just did. Images are fairly tame, but style is haunting

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Yea man I think most pros use reference images :person_shrugging:t5: I was just throwing something out there man :sweat_smile:

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Oh to be as creative as @nimeton whose art is super original and cool.

What paper are you using 120gsm? Acrylic paints?

How do you learn to use acylics? I guess I’ll have to try and see…

My self portrait. I have made many, and I love to make self portraits. I’ve organized self portrait workshops and people find them empowering and helping with self understanding.