Schizophrenia / Mental Health Treatment in 3rd World Countries - some examples

There is more than just those pictures.

Sorry, path of thread just too ridiculous, couldn’t resist.

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Thank God we are living in this day and age of modern meds - I cannot imagine where I would be or how I would be treated if I lived in a third world country decades ago - @gainesms get real, man

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Manipulating the internet for nefarious reasons is beyond my capability and not a desire of mine.

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That’s my job. :smiling_imp:


I don’t think anyone here questions that the mentally ill are mistreated in poorer countries. Of course they live in filth, are treated poorly, go hungry, and a host of other evils. The poor suffer many of these same evils. That is the nature of a third world country.

That has nothing to do with the fact that the mentally ill go on to recover at greater rates in third world countries where neuroleptics and psychiatric medicines are unheard of. You can continue to ignore this glaring study — detrimental to psychiatry’s feel-good message — at your peril.

If you choose to chemically lobotomize yourself — pay to do it — and smile at the notion — you’re free to do that. My problem arises when [1] someone suggests forcing chemicals down my throat (or anyone else’s, for that matter), [2] downplays the detrimental effect they have on the mentally ill and society writ large, [3] suggests that mental illness is untreatable except with medication.

Losing yourself, and calling it a cure, is a high price to pay for luxury.

We are living in the dark ages of psychiatry.

I think it’s easy for people to not fully realize how horrific these conditions are when they sit comfortably behind their computers and just read it on the screen. It’s similar to the thread about anti-psychotic medications, people get caught up in their own issues. The institutions, the lobotomies, the shock treatments, the ice baths, these are all what we would have had to endure before anti-psychotics. People these days feel dissatisfied and think they’ve got it rough. I doubt any of us would be able to handle being shackled to a tree, starved, and beaten. The truth is we have it easy.


This is not shrinkage — this is a loss and decay of specific brain regions and functions.

Much like a lobotomy.

Nope, try again.

Exactly like a lobotomy (?)

You know you’re dealing with stubborn people when they justify losing parts of their brain as a cure.

At first I thought that you were mixed up and a bit naive on the subject of psych meds - but your distorted views and anti psychiatry stance is genuinely now getting on my nerves it now seems to me that you just want to stir up the pot - you have no clue what you are talking about. If I were you I would stop spewing out your venom.
This is a supportive site - many of the folks around here - including me rely on their meds to function - stop flinging your hateful biased ■■■■■■■■ views - its getting annoying and I for one am getting very tired of all the ■■■■■■■■ that is flying around here from you


I’m schizophrenic just like you are — I deserve support just as much as you do, as do others who choose a more natural path. We are going through many of the same issues and I don’t think it has ever been denied that there are no easy answers — and certainly no simple solutions.

From my perspective, those who are struggling deserve to know the facts. You think otherwise. If the answer was clearcut, there would be no debate and we’d all be on the same side. As it is, the answer isn’t clearcut, especially with such a complex issue, and knowledge, contrary to being counterproductive, is the only way to arrive at an informed decision.

You call it ■■■■■■■■. I’m sorry you find facts so inconveniencing.

any abuse of race , creed, sex( male or female or child ), or mental illness is an afront to the essence of decency.
humanity is cruel, and i for one am glad i live in a society that is a little more respectful and tolerant of mental illness…and civil rights.
take care

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