Schizophrenia can be caused by gluten in your opinion and casein in food?it's possible?

How about diathesis-stress?

Like “add any significant stressor to genetic pre-disposition and note the increased statistical probability that the genetics will go florid.”

I don’t discount the possibility that gluten might be involved in a small number of cases. However many with gluten intolerance don’t have psychosis/schizophrenia.

It’s in the arena. There was a biochemist by the name of Amy Yasko Ph.D who used a lot of these protocols to treat autism in children. But you notice she’s not a household name. Lots of people have defects in the methylation pathway, myself included. I didn’t have the time to listen to the whole presentation, but there is something called tetrahydrobiopterin that converts particular amino acids to neurotransmitters. It’s also a catalyst for the production of nitric oxide. I think it helps to know these things.

I will always have problems with the term “mental illness” My mental was never ill, but my body was. I truly believe that schizophrenia is not caused by a diseased brain, but by a disconnect somewhere else in the body. Just my opinion, but I think it is more empowering to think of the brain as a victim of what is going wrong maybe in the kidneys (which filter the blood) or the immune system. There’s a lot of little stuff that can go wrong.