Schizophrenia and work

Is there anybody that work full time with schizophrenia ?


Hello, welcome to the forum.

Yes i work full time :slight_smile:



I personally do not, but there are plenty of folks here who are able to

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Welcome to the forum, @Alicia_Ak27!

I currently work full-time and I have for most of my illness. My illness has gotten to a point where I need to work part-time, though, and I’m about to go part-time next week.

Do you work, Alicia?


What kind of jobs are good for ppl with schizophrenia…I’m not really social

I wrk part time and trying to work full time for health insurance


Yes I work full time and have Sz.

I work in a payroll company that does alot of financial data entry.

I recommend getting a low stress data entry job if you like being on the computer for many hours.

There are many on


I work full time for the federal government. Getting a job with them was hard. It took me about 7 years of applying to get an offer but I got 4 offers all at about the same time.


I work between part and full time.


Welcome to the forum!


Worked full-time for 2.5 years unmedicated, now medicated and currently not working.

Welcome to the forum!


I used to work full time every summer until I got too sick I couldn’t do it anymore. I was even working the first time I got hospitalized. I was crazy. I stole expired opiates from the guys house even tho I’ve never done them. I was doing carpentry. Then I got fired and hospitalized not long after.

Haven’t worked much since. I get ssdi.

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Welcome to the forum!!! I don’t work anymore but lots of people do.


Hello and welcome to the forum!

I have been on disability since January 2015, but I started Zyprexa in mid-April of this year and it’s been my miracle drug. I am currently looking for a full-time job in the accounting field and volunteering twice a week in the meantime.


I used to work full time until I went on disability in 2003. I am never consistently okay throughout the day, and throughout the week. I have sza w mixed bipolar, ptsd, and gad w agoraphobia.

I have a desire to work, at times, but I’m realistic. I’m too sick, for now, both physically and mentally.

Hope this helps.

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I work fulltime and have done so for the 4years since diagnosed

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I had diagnosis of schizophrenia only for quite short time in 2016 and I was not working then. When I was diagnosed with schizotypal disorder regularly, I worked seven hours daily five days in the week for some months, but this job was rather due to ruling of moderate level of disability (in addition with “special” disease which means that employer had larger financial benefit than in the case of employing persons with handicap in mobility or having no hearing) and it was very simple job, not requiring high education level, without closer contact with other people. Someone named that job “slandering of people”, two times persons which were quite important threatened me about calling the police. It was outdoor job, what was sometimes really problematic due to rain, wind, scorching sun, frost etc.

I work full time in IT, but I do a lousy job, and , consequently, I get a lousy wage.


I’m currently working 40 hours/week at a gas station, on midnight shifts.

During the school year, I work three part-time jobs, two of them teaching at community colleges, and two days/week at the gas station.

I’m hoping to get an interview at a third community college; I seem to have passed the phone interview. If I get that job I’ll just teach at three schools and drop the gas station. I don’t think I could handle teaching full-time at one college. The stress would probably do me in.

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Currently work Part-time Self Employed(which I defo prefer) but before that worked Full Time for 20 years in Retail whilst undiagnoized(No Meds) and On Meds.