In most studies, schizophrenics score a low IQ. Could this be true that we are actually low in IQ or could it be something else?
It reduces mental capacity of all kinds. Don’t obsess over IQ. If you got in the area of average intelligence you can do anything you would want to.
I just don’t want to go through life thinking I’m stupid
Based on a standardized exam?
can you read and write and learn things if you try?
also dont act stupid and do stupid things.
IQ is part of bad history that turned shitty in the 20th century part of scientific racism and stuff
Good point. Maybe I should be more confident with myself
Be more confident period. Don’t question if youre smart, just know you are.
Low is a matter of opinion. We may score lower than average but it may only be by a few points and you can still be schizophrenic and smart at the same time.
Look at @anon8411913; she’s going for her masters, and many other schizophrenics here are studying in college. I think our IQ may be lower but not drastically lower.
If you weren’t sick your iq would probably shoot up. I think of it as a symptom. Like voices or paranoia. I feel more like I’m living with a cognitive ball and chain rather than actually feeling stupid.
Before schizophrenia my IQ was 110…
After frying my brain on the schizo skillet so many years I doubt it’s that high anymore…
I tested as having a very high IQ score multiple times when I was in high school and college.
I doubt I’d score high now.
I scored 122 in an official psychologist’s IQ test like a year ago
The only time I was tested for IQ was when I was in third grade. Apparently I scored high but my parents kept my score secret and never told me what it was. I know it was high but my parents didn’t want me to be affected by the score. I guess they didn’t want me to think I was too smart for my actual level in school. Yeah, they took that secret to the grave and never revealed my score and now I don’t think there’s any way of finding out. I was always a good reader and writer, I read from an early age. I don’t know how I would do on a test now. I graduated college last year and got some good grades but school was tough, college was never easy.
That honestly upsets me.
I’ve always been complemented on being very sharp, as is my whole family. Our grandma had a genius IQ
I’ve said it once before and I’ll say it again, I don’t read or buy into bias studies
Very few of the most cognitively disabled persons with schizophrenia/schizoaffective would be using a forum such as this.
I do wonder with sz/sz-a whether it’s less a case of low IQ than difficulty applying it in a practical way to real life problems and tasks . I don’t know about others here, but my executive functioning is in the dumpster.
I was smarter before my brain started acting strange. Also, the medication doesn’t help either, they slow down thinking. (but without medication the brain would probably be more fried)
In college mine was 135. Other times higher. 10 years ago I did a test to join Mensa. I was hurrying and it was 129. That was about 22 years after having schizophrenia. But I’m sure it’s probably lower now.
It would be nice to be smart confident and happy i don’t think it’s changed tho but i am more able now to concentrate on stuff than i used too my meds help my concentration especially lamictal
I know that sometimes the psych meds dulls our senses
This could really be an issue for many including myself but don’t put too much stock in IQ
Doesn’t really matter much in the bigger picture
You’re bright and young. Don’t let the illness ruin your life. I hope you achieve great things, academically.