Schizoanalysis II

So this idea of schizoanalysis seems unusual and the idea of the schizophrenic having subversive qualities that should be adopted by anticapitalists is questionable. Also that the treatment of schizophrenia is a fascist model is quite bold. Claims made that capitalism creates a kind of schizophrenia in society that will ultimately be its undoing are often questionable. Concerning schizophrenic qualities that should be adopted by radicals it’s true that resistance to regular employment and lifestyle would be a basic starting point but the books recommendation for collective action is doubly against the schizophrenic nature both in collectivity and being action oriented whereas in most cases it is a condition of social and behavioral introversion. That the treatment of sz is fascist is a bold statement and the dominant schools of thought that are mentioned in the book are no longer commonplace but the hospital is a mini totalitarian environment where anarchic individuals are surveilled and confined. However a diametric dichotomy doesnt prove fascism but it is interesting. Towards the idea that capitalism creates a kind of schizophrenia that will be its undoing, the most important thing that I have noticed that I find prophetic is the growing detachment of reality of the the right wing on terms of conspiracies and willingly being deluded by disinformation among other things. So atleast in some senses the book has some legitimacy atleast from my perspective. I think it should be kept in mind that there is a degree of reality detachment in the book in that it is historically dated and frankly the nature of schizophrenia differs from how it was understood in the 70s when the book was written among other things. However as a final thought perhaps reality detachment is a core struggle which is appropriate for the subject matter.

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