
I hear voices all the time, but when i get stressed out I start to have delusions, hallucinations, and vouces get so strong i lose touch with reality. Any body else like this



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Welcome to the forum!


Welcome to the forum :smiley::smiley::smiley:


Thanks just found it been looking for one for awhile.


I settled on this one because of how frequent the posts are. The second most active board had maybe 5 or 6 posts/replies a day? This one has over a hundred. It’s also very competently moderated so it functions properly as a safe haven.

It’s helped me a ton. Welcome and stick around if you feel lonely, I’d be a total hermit if not for this forum. Socializing on this forum kept me busy for several years until I could enter the workforce again!


well thank you! Sometimes I feel like a hermit I feel I socialize differently then the average person…like people can see my illness…I need to find a place where I belong! I suffer daily but capn control things its when I go into psychosis do i absolutely struggle and cant tell the diffrence between reality and delusions


Welcome to the forum @Denice !

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Welcome to the forum @Denice ! Glad you found us!

A few tips on things that confuse newbies:

Cake day is the anniversary date of when you joined.

The 1515 or other numbers at the end of peoples posts are because there’s a 15 character minimum to post. So people put 15s after until they get to the minimum characters to post.

To tag someone, put the @ followed by their name.

I’m glad you’re here. You’re very welcome!

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When I get stressed I have persecuted delusional thinking :thinking: I can’t let myself get stressed, that’s why I live such a simple lifestyle.

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I avoid stress at all cost and my boyfriend always says dont stress over this because hes so concerned. I have gotten rid of people who cause me stress for my own well being.


Welcome to the community @Denice. Apologies for being a day late.



Yes… almost exactly. I was first diagnosed 3 years ago with paranoid schizophrenia. Recently i watched a film about schizoeffective disorder and it seems to cover more of the symptoms a a whole…

My hallucinations were acute for a couple of months in 1992 and then lessened. I still have hallucinations. I had a girlfriend in Jr high named Denise Brown.

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