Schizoaffective D/O Memoir

Good day (or hopefully it is; it is for me)!

The month of November is approaching and thus ushering in the time of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). During this time, I will be embarking on a journey of trying to write a 50K word novel in 30 days. But not just any novel. MY novel.

Throughout my illness there has been an apparent lack of literature for people who have similar experiences. There are some for schizophrenia, some for bipolar, some for various other mental illnesses.

Anyway, I’m going to tell my story with the theme surrounding diagnosis, treatment, and management of the illness, as poor as it’s been thusfar. Do you have anything you’d like to see out of a schizoaffective disorder memoir? Or NOT see?

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I would check your book if I could concentrate and if it’s good

Well, I appreciate the sentiment. I’m hoping to make it truthful and accessible.

Good luck, I hope you are successful in your endeavor! You’re right, there’s precious little to read about schizoaffective, plenty about schizophrenia by comparison.

I started a sza blog with the same motivations, but am only managing to post about once a week these days. I just get overwhelmed.

I would write it in. short segments - a page or two for each topic with a general theme to hold it together

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