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I tried to delete my account. I dont think its possible.
This post was flagged. Not sure why, sorry to whoever flagged it.
I tried to delete my account. I dont think its possible.
When I went schizo my drug use came to an end. I quit talking to everyone I knew was associated with drugs. I was to paranoid to leave the house to get drugs. I spent 9 months hiding in the basement. Drugs consumed my life for years and when I got out of the hospital I felt free. After losing touch with reality I had a new found appreciation for it. Getting schizophrenia was a blessing and a curse. It sucks having it but at the same time it’s what got me clean. I haven’t touched drugs in 20 years. I wish I had some answers for you but I don’t. I hope you find the help you need.
Well I just walked away from everyone. I’m on my meds and I’m just afraid I’ll relapse and stay in this awful cycle.
But you do offer a few things that do help.
Disassociation of the people around it. I deleted my business page, fb page, google biz page. People cant get ahold of me. Maybe that’s all I need. Right now. Thanks!
I signed up on social media about 5 years ago. I got flooded with friend requests from all the people I once knew. They were all up to the same stuff. I deleted my facebook page after a month. There were people I’d like to of kept in contact with even if it was only on the internet but there were to many people I wanted nothing to do with. I figured it was in my best interest not to be on there.
I actually needed to know I can’t physically take drugs in order to not do them.
Like my drugs of choice were lsd, mushrooms , mdma and stuff. As well as alcohol.
Now on the following meds:
Naltrexone (blocks opioids, alcohol and salvia)
Zoloft (blocks mdma and other psychedelics)
Abilify (blocks classical hallucinogens as well as cocaine for me)
And klonopin dulls some of these drugs I used to take
Honestly on this med combo it’s very hard to get high on anything and I’ve given up.
I need this med combo to function. I’m addicted to not doing drugs at this point.
I at times desperately want to go back. There’s definitely no cure for that.
But I’m stuck on these meds I can’t go back.
It’s “a day at a time” no matter who you are.
It took me many tries to quit too. How old are you can I ask??
It doesn’t matter how old you are you can always be a prime candidate for recovery regardless of age. Too old or too young? There is No such thing but I’m just wondering.
I really don’t want to say my age because of digital fingerprints I don’t want someone bored doxing me.
I’m on olanzapine, valium, and suboxone.
I don’t know what doxing is. I’m on the Olanzapine and Valium too. I’ve been on Olanzapine since 1997. It works for me but it took a long time to recover from psychosis. I no longer hear voices but I still get paranoia and my mind plays tricks on me. Olanzapine took a few years to get use to. I’m in a fog when I wake up because of it. I drink a lot of coffee to fight the sedation.
We both take a bit of naloxone then
Good you’re on subuxone I think.
It’s really helped a lot of people I know.
Naltrexone I went on for alcoholism but it’s had some strange miracle reaction in me where not only does it stop me from drinking, doing drugs, but it helps my moods, anxieties and thinking in general.
It’s lucky though. I think it’s because of the ingredient naloxone but I could be wrong. (Naloxone is also in suboxone and it’s what blocks opioids from working, it also is narcan)
I never actually got into opioids. Well I was doing Vicodin and kratom a little and then I started the naltrexone and obviously since I’m not an addict to opioids I’m not gonna sacrifice the good effects of naltrexone to take opioids.
I’m also schizoaffective.
It sounds like you’re suffering mood issues possibly. Well regardless of your age, you may wanna ask your doc to add on an ssri like Zoloft if you’re feeling down. It could honestly help with addiction, mood lifts like ssri’s.
Since you can’t take iboga on zyprexa or ayahuasca or anything like that.
Since the pharmaceutical route is the only thing proven to help sz’s at this point… and really capable either. I would consider a mood booster. Such as a Zoloft or maybe a mood balancer in lithium. Whatever your doctor thinks. But I don’t think I was doing well as a sza before starting Zoloft. Because of the mood aspect.
Although antidepressants can make us psychotic but if you’re stable enough on the antipsychotics then sometimes we can take antidepressants. But everyone is so unique.
I hope I’m helping, not hurting. Thanks -Jon. Feel free to tag me @Gratitude anytime you wanna chat!
But from your post I remember a quote on the wall at iop like ten years ago saying “mental health recovery is the same of addiction recovery”
Or something like that. I botched the quote. But it’s all good. It’s gonna be ok. Just stick with ur routine/recovery/regiment. We’re here for u.
Thanks a bunch. I see my doctor in a couple days I’ll go over this information with him. I’m going to get some rest. Tyvm for everything.
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