New say anything thread guys!
Oh wait, was it meant to be Z ?
Does this count as first???
Yes sir!!! Heheh
Yes, Z is the correct letter.
I’m currently studying using my iPad; loving it so far
Just took a sleep cocktail of 10 mg Olanzapine, 6 mg Melatonin & 250 mg Magnesium
Pinch, punch. First day of the month (in the UK)
Anyone up on the night crew tonight?
I hope those of us in the US get our SSDI check tonight. We typically get it on the third but it’s going to really bite if we have to wait a whole weekend before getting it.
Hey Monte. Whats up big guy?
Oh I’m just chillin’ tonight mane and listening to the radio. How are you feeling tonight? You look great in your recent selfie.
@Montezuma - Thanks man, I appreciate that! I’m feeling pretty good tonight. How are you feeling? What did you have for dinner?
You welcome friend.
I’m feeling pretty good tonight man. I had a light headache earlier but it went away after I got rehydrated and all. It’s a nice peaceful night here tonight. I cleaned Jimmy’s litter out earlier and gave him fresh water.
For dinner earlier I had biscuits and gravy.
Boy am I tired; been a long night. It’s now 8:12AM
Almost time for sleepy sleep lad.
This is exciting! What happens after Z , is there confetti and cake??
Hiya peeps… whats up
just got up…Nektar is playing…drinking coffee…not much to do today but buy groceries…yayyyy
Hi everyone. Chilled day here. This evening we are taking the boys to their cousins birthday party.
Just cooking steak and kidney pudding and mash potatoes at the moment.
Done the cleaning myself today, which im pleased about. And im having a gaming day, i was buying 2 a month for the past few years, so got nearly 800 titles, some i havent even opened. I havent been in the mood for months to play them,
Sister and brother have ghosted me, they can go to hell. I wont be controlled just cos shes got the money. I would rather be skint. The brothers an alcoholic in denial - so he can kick off, especially on a sunday, over a simple request, and acts like hes donating a kidney.
Frankly i think he is jealous. Hes up to his neck in his mortgage - and hates the fact i own mine - cos i didnt spunk all my money away. I started saving, when i was 19 - whilst he was doing all his on fancy holidays. Arseholes to the lot of them lol.