I don’t know how Roman numerals actually work. Did I get it right?
First! Finally, my first first post on the say anything thread. I feel special already. As for the Roman numerals I dunno.
You got it. Barely.
Third ! 151515151
I ate some hot potatoes on Sunday and burnt my gum. It’s been 4 days it’s still hurting.
Hot enchiladas
They taste really frikin good
Stomach disagrees
I’m having tea
Sorta wish I didn’t buy a JUUL. I wanted to get back into vaping so I bought a mod by Smok today. It’s nice. Only a 50 Watts but should get the job done.
Let’s see. My support worker went good even though I shortened the visit. I returned a movie to Redbox and renewed a book at the library as well. So I got out for a while today.
Hope everyone is still in the fight.
I’m just popping in to say ‘Hi.’
Nothing very exciting going on with me today.
I finally figured out how to use my new, Wismec vape. It’s way better than my Smok.
Hi Montezuma,
Where does the name Montezuma come from?
Wishing you a nice rest of the week
I can never remember what colors dogs can see. I always have to look it up.
Hey, thank you @anon90843118!
I got my username from an Emperor of Mexico. Haha. Don’t worry, I’ve never had delusions that I am actually Montezuma, I just thought it would be a cool username.
Now it’s sort of stuck, and a lot of people on here call me Monte, which is also cool in my opinion.
Take care!
Cools I shall call you Monte from now on
I hate it when I do that! Makes it sore for days on end
Training for the new job is going well. This guy is still talking to me about a contract job in Hawaii. I gave him my SSN so he can look up my security clearance.
Some lady wants to interview me for a job in Afghanistan next week. I don’t know if I am going to take that call or not. I turned down a job in Afghanistan about 5 or 6 years ago that paid twice what this one does. I wasn’t stable then though. I am stable now but still don’t think I want to go over there. It is an aviation job though.
I would be extremely cautious about anything in the Middle East.
But Hawaii sounds like a dream job
I want to do my Christmas shopping early while I still have a little money. for my nephews I was going to get them Indiana university hoodies but they’re still growing boys so i’m scared they won’t fit anymore come Christmas. also for the older nephew I was going to get him an instructional dvd on pitching mechanics and how to throw different pitches for baseball. I don’t really care if he plays baseball or not, just think he would be a good pitcher if he wanted to be. he will be tall. he needs to practice to start building up his arm strength though. all I know about pitching is that they play “long toss” to increase arm strength and velocity.
My friends and I have been playing Risk on a phone app. I’m getting better at it, but my friend keeps luring me into alliances until there’s only the two of us left, and then crushing me