LXII. You repeated the same number as the last one.
And I’m too late. You got it. Lol
We had steak for dinner and it was soooo good! I seasoned it just right.
Type away skunky
What cut of meat did you use? If I can afford it I love a nice Porterhouse steak a few times a year. I just use that Tony Collanders spice. I love it in hamburgers too.
Usually petite sirloin because it’s always cheapest and I like it well enough. I’m sure there’s better, but for the price it’s good.
You know filet mignon is the best cut of meat for you. It has the least amount of fat.
Sirloin is good. Sometimes I’ll just get a tip steak if I’m feeling cheap. What marinade or spice do you use? Sorry for the questions I just enjoy cooking. It relaxes me in a strange way.
Today I used onion powder, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Nothing fancy, but still delicious.
That’s also very good. My uncle used to skewer a filet mignon for Shishkabobs. Yummy! Lol. I probably didn’t spell that right.
dangit I need steak now…haha…oh well…it’s almost pay day in a couple weeks and I will get some then…
Off I go to make some chicken burgers for my kids to bring to school tomorrow and some popcorn shrimp for me to snack on. Mmm
Just had my morning bowl of porridge. It was not really gloopy enough
How’s your head feeling?
It’s feeling much better thanks @LED
I think I really just needed to eat something since it’s 4am here and I hadn’t eaten since 7pm.
I just got a whole lot of loving from the two dogs in the house. I had to pee but I guess there was enough time for a few scratches before the loo.
I think I might be getting a little too obsessive about losing weight. 🤦 I’m torn. I have so much weight to lose that it seems dumb to worry, but I also don’t want to fall back into old habits. Maybe I’ll email my doctor and see if I can get a referral to a dietician sooner than later.
Gloopy hahahaha