Ya cool kids know what to do.
First y’all!
How you doing tonight, Monte?
Doing good my friend.
Just listening to the radio and drinking some Cherry Coke Zero.
How about yourself? Did you work today?
I considered making this new thread and making it “J is for jouster”.
Planned on saying something like. “That’s right jouster. I’m about to get medieval on your ass.”
Ya gotta understand man, us Mexicans run these streets.
You walk these streets with a six string on your back
You’re playing for keeps, because you might not make it back.
May be paraphrasing, going by memory.
Name that tune!(song)
Cool man, I just put a record on, have two albums on vinyl coming from Amazon in a couple days. I’m excited to get those.
Yep worked a long day, as the only manager all day so no breaks for this freak. I got through it, just frustrates me and kinda pisses me off.
OOO! I know it’s Bon Jovi, I’m just trying to remember the name of the song. Is it “Wanted, Dead or Alive”?
@freakonaleash Damn dude I’m sorry. That’s a long time to not have a break. At least you’re in your cozy apartment now though and you got your tunes.
I love Amazon man. I ordered some sweatpants on there tonight and I got a nice discount from Fruit of the Loom because I ordered 2 pairs.
Looked up actual lyrics: Its “And I walk these streets, a loaded six-string on my back
I play for keeps, 'cause I might not make it back
I’ve been everywhere, and still I’m standing tall
I’ve seen a million faces and I’ve rocked them all”
yes. You are correct!
I know my 80s tunes.
Man, the music video I’m watching right now takes me back to fourth year of college, a time when I was quite ill. I was a manic, psychotic jackass. “3 Libras,” by A Perfect Circle. It sucks that no one I knew from college wants to talk to me or even accept my friend requests. I was happy at the time, but it’s sad when I look back on it.
I feel ya. I acted pretty crazy when I was madly infatuated with a gal from my high school and even went to the same university as her.
I ended up totally screwing off in school and just acting like a tool getting drunk nearly every night.
Now a lot of people I went to high school with think I’m psycho.
It just sucks how some people can’t seem to look past reputations. I mean, we all ■■■■■■■change from when we were 18 years old.
Yeah I was weird af, and it got worse by the time I made it to med school. I was so sick, can’t believe I did as well as I did.
Have you ever entertained the idea of going back to school and becoming a doctor?
I imagine the stress is insane, but they make really good money.
Oh God no lol, no med school for me. I’m done with being a student.
Haha I hear that big guy.
I don’t know if I’ll ever go back to school either. But if I do it’s most likely going to be for something like computers or IT. Something that can actually help me earn money.
Definitely not dumbass film school lol.
Fifteen characters
Life feels pointless. What am I doing here, what’s the point anymore?