so proud of my son he doing so well in secondary school
Yay for dragons! My youngest wasn’t the stereotypical child with teddy bears or dolls or something. She had dragons. Books about dragons (Who Wants a Dragon? is great!), plastic dragons that are sold at Michael’s, plush dragons from everywhere. So many dragons!
I remember you and have missed you. Glad you’re back, but sorry you have been struggling so badly too.
Thank you! I appreciate it. It’s all okay now, though. Meds have everything pretty much under control.
I must make scrabbled egg and toast for supper
this is the cigarino all day productivity stack. also sometimes i add a teaspoons of black seed oil, and a rhodiola rosea capsule
in morning i take 100 mg caffeine, 2000 mg taurine, 500 mg gaba + b6 idk how many mg b6 but one capsule, later in day i take another 100 mg caffeine to prevent headache plus 2000 mg taurine and another gaba + b6 capsule and l-theanine along with my meds to ease me into relaxation. i feel like ive made big improvements, my brain is weird tho stimulants have a sedating and nauseating effect on me (i was treated for adhd as a kid), gaba b6 and taurine, l theanine and tiny dose caffeine and i feel like ive got part of my life back that i lost
This Skunk just showered.
My Tracfone service website sucks to refill a monthly plan. 20 fricken pages to load to refill. Jeez! It is clunky as ever. Guess me being a cheap arse doesn’t help things. I pay $17 a month for unlimited talk and text.
Gonna head north to Wally World and eat Chinese buffet. Haven’t had it for six months or so.
Man, as far as supplements go, I only take an iron supplement! Big stack there.
Good afternoon peeps!!!
Off schedule today because I did an all nighter last night. Finally I crashed for 2 and 1/2 hours at 5:30 this morning.
Nothing much going on today, refusing to get dressed for the day. I want to sit around and be lazy today.
Tonight I have a limpia ceremony with my daughter tonight via zoom.
I had my friend Belinda stop by and visit for a short while. It was nice to see her again, even though she spent a good part of the time in tears. (Leaving here was hard for her.)
Have a fantastic day today!
Dang. I take a vitamin for general health, probiotics and benefiber for IBS, and magnesium for migraines.
May I ask what you take them for?
I am still wearing the clothes I put on yesterday morning and also slept in.
Got my Geodon raised again to 160 mg yesterday. Need it. In trouble again, so reading more than posting.
Glad to see you back @ZombiePupper
Today is the last day of painting irises in art class. Next month we are doing a landscape. I have to finish my iris painting today. I have part of one iris and part of the background left to do. It gives me something to do.
Thank you!
I had seen that the mathematical number for speed of light is the exact coordinates for the pyramids. Meanwhile I can’t even get a job at mc Donald’s
Hi everyone, hope you are having an amazing day.
Damn my hands are shaking from lifting, its hard to type. I just did weight training and took a shower. Played Call of duty with a friend and now downloading the newly released Counter Strike 2. Having yerba mate with my father while watching the news. Will make chicken tacos soon. I need to take an hour walk outside after eating to meet my 10k steps goal.
Hey welcome back. I am recently back as well lol
Birds of a feather flock together
Welcome back to you, too, then!
Successfully got to sleep this morning, so I’m ready for work. After I finish my shift I’ll have the weekend off. I shaved and showered and ate and am just getting ready to head out the door. I’ll be back in five hours.