Say anything C is for Carnivore

I’m now realizing that I’ve been doing pretty terrible this past little while I’m gonna make a honest attempt at being more positive it started out with a positive tagline now I’m doing more stuff for me I think I’ve been putting others before myself and I do that a lot and this stuff that I’ve been saying is directly caused by me not giving myself breaks and trying to hard I don’t wanna sound lazy tho I just have invested all my time helping others that I’ve neglected my own needs

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I am making smoked salmon and cream cheese wrap. After I will go with my friend to the mall have a coffee, not the same mall as last time


Have a happy birthday :birthday: @anon10627598


My mother has gone home. We go to town tomorrow for our weekly supplies. Just debating on a coffee. Didn’t get much done today besides napping to make up for last night. My brother’s couldn’t get the truck, then they decided they didn’t want the truck. Instead they took four big red three wheelers, a wood splitter and a car scissor lift. Freed up some space.
Going to look for the new Guinness zero alcohol beer tomorrow. I bet it’s pretty good.

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Lost my wallet doh :tired_face: now i gotta cancel all my cards. Such a pain in the ass.

Sir level the Miffed one.


i rather superglue my wallet to my left testicle than have a possibility of losing it. i panic just losing rather small objects around my room, id be defeated if i lost my wallet while going out.


Yeah i think it fell out of my pocket in the gym locker room in the locker itself when i took my clothes back out… Im hoping it turns up i called the gym and they said theyll take a look cuz i remembered th3 locker number. Still gotta block my bank cards for a few days. Then if it doesnt ill just cancel and renew it all.


hopefully theyll find and return it to you. its stressful but luckily you can take measures to prevent anyone using it


I used to love smoked salmon however since I got the cardiomyopathy and was told to watch my salt and fluid intake I take a bite and I worry about the salt content I guess you can say I do like smoked salmon but idk :woman_shrugging:


I finally found this picture from last summer


The really strange part is it swam directly to the boat I thought it was a ridiculously small fish till I saw it then I was like omg :flushed:


Nice walleye. :duck::duck::duck:


So I slept all day. Soon as I got up my drunk dad was asking me to drive around to get the yard sale signs then came home to a person who wanted me to help carry her crap inside. Nope! F that! She wanted the sale she can pack the stuff up.

Scooped the litter box.

Have Spotify on.

Guess who has to do the dishes tonight? And guess the two people who are making a big dinner. FML!


Up in the night.
Had some chocolate and soda.
New week and Im gonna go bowling.
Take care :blush:


Doing better now that I relaxed. Guess some of my problems are first world problems.

The kitty is on his bed. One doggie is laying on the feet of dad’s girlfriend.

Gonna play the instruments.



Gonna have spaghetti for dinner. I think there’s a new Simpsons in an hour or so.


I think the baseball game is on this week instead. :bug::bug::bug:


Aw dangit… I hate it when sports is on instead. Fox hosts so many sports it happens like 1/4 the time.

Well I can figure out something else to do, maybe watch the new Futuramas on Hulu.


Good greetings!:hibiscus:

About ten months ago “she” “they” said i don’t deserve to exercise anc I’m not allowed to exercise and after that I couldn’t seem to get myself to exercise regularly anymore.

Before that I was exercising daily with spin and pump n now nothing.
I’ve put on so much weight and I’m no longer vegan .

Hope I can get myself to start exercising again.

What ugly people to say I’m not allowed to exercise when I e done no wrong but they are just jealous and hateful.

Now I have a broken toe and can’t wear normal shoes.
Can only wear thongs.


You’re okay don’t worry :nerd_face: