Continuing the discussion from Say Anything D is for Dragon:
Here you go folks.
I’m first! Lol 15
Second! 15151515.
I’d like to thank the forum- and my parents for having me lol
Anyways, I’m so stressed about this move towards the end of the month…
We got to have everything packed by the 19th. We’re supposed to leave the 23rd.
Holy ■■■■ it’s happening
I’m sure it will all go well
I can’t wait till next spring I freakIng hate the cold I used to love the cold but then my meds made me more sensitive to temperatures
Thanks for the encouragement tho!
How are you this evening?
I’m doing okay, thanks for asking.
Took my nightly Olanzapine, hoping to sleep soon.
What are you up to?
Gurp. Gerp and…Berp
Moving can be stressful!
It very much is.
We’re doing a cross country move. I’ve done it before…. But it’s even more stressful when you have 2 kids, gotta pack their stuff too.
just cooked 4 steaks for family, (filet and ny strip), and mashed potatoes. then ate dinner and showered. now feeling relaxed might do a little gaming then sleep, ive been sleeping at perfect time lately like i go to sleep 11-12ish and wakeup around 8
Good morning everyone!
I slept well. It’s getting close to 5 am here. So, perfect time to get up.
In a while I’ll start watching my videos of Day 3.
I hope everyone is well.
Good morning Jonathan I’m glad your doing well I wish was I just I’m just having major self esteem issues tonight sadly I made a thread idk if I’m taking peoples time sadly I hate not working im sorry im babbling
I haven’t read the thread yet. Do you exercise? That’s my strategy to deal with my self-esteem. That and following courses.
I should exercise but it’s late at night it’s 11pm I find walking helps my mood
Im in the same spot. I hate that I cant work. Was it my thread that made you think that? I made a thread about how I hate not being able to work due to meds.
How is everyone tonight? Just had some homemade chili my mom brought me.