Saw my Pdoc

My pdoc wants to raise my Abilify to 20mg. Has anyone made the jump from 15 to 20mg? If so what was your experience?

The higher the dose the more negative symptoms I had. I went from 10mg, stopped meds for 2yrs, put back on 15mg then 20mg.

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Did you feel more sedated on it? That’s my biggest concern as I do a lot of driving for work

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Yea but I was still able to drive.

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Abilify did not sedate me at all.

I was manic on that ■■■■ man

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My increase on Abilify from 10 to 20 wasn’t a positive experience, but everyone is different. You won’t know until you try.

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I didn’t feel that sedated on Abilify, either.


I was on 30mg/day for almost a decade and it worked really well for me. It didn’t sedate me on its own, but my (truly terrible) doctor put me on 2mg Klonopin 2x/day, 120mg oxycontin 2x/day, and 20mg baclofen 3x/day and it caused some pretty serious issues. My doctor told me that my meds weren’t to blame for how tired I was, but sent me for a special test to check my ability to respond to things and make sure it was still safe for me to drive. But of course I also have severe anxiety and ADHD so I was very hyper because of the amount of stress it caused and passed with flying colors. Then he sent me for an overnight sleep study and MSLT (naps during the day) and I was diagnosed with severe hypersomnia.

All that to say, I was on it for about 5 years with zero issue. But then in combination with other sedating drugs I had a hard time staying awake for very long.

Also, I’ve tried to go back on it a handful of times and I’ve not noticed it causing any sedating effect.

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I was changed from 15 to 20, I feel better.

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