Saw my pdoc today - meds discussion etc

It was a difficult morning. Had to wait extra long about three hours to see him. Then he told me he couldn’t find my file for some strange reason. Which was why I had to wait so long. By the time I saw him I was losing my patience but I knew it wasn’t his fault.

He had two students present. I told him my long story of what happened leading up to hospital stay and writing on walls etc etc and the shitty stress I and hubby had.

I said he would have wanted to take me off citalopram one of five meds I’m taking, but if it’s a good idea with my recent depression I don’t know

Then he said he still plans to take me off it. He says he plans for me to just be on one antipsychotic and one antidepressant.

He even said he wants to take me off my mood stabilizer. Why I don’t know! I’ve been seesawing like crazy, so how can I expect to be on an antidepressant and not a mood stabilizer???

He also asked if I was on olanzapine so I said yes I was but I don’t know why I was taken off of it because it did work ok.

But I can’t just be on one AP because two work better. Amisulpride is my best one but doesn’t help with everything, otherwise I have to be on the highest dose possible, which I don’t want.

I understand the pdoc wants to take me off some meds because I’m taking so much, but to leave me on so little - will it work?

Am I taking too many meds? Could I cope with only two? God alone knows! But I’m worried - am I faking it? I’m scared if I need no meds that I’m a liar. That my sza doesn’t exist and I’ve made it up all along.

My pdoc seems to be training me to walk without crutches. I’m scared.

Is he expecting too much?

Plus the worst thing is I only see him in six weeks time. Could I cope so short a time out of hospital? I’m worried - Murphy’s law says if your dr isn’t available you’ll need him the most…


Some pdocs prefer 1 AP and others multiple. There is debate about which is best.

I take 1 main AP in high dose and have one-AP in low dose for sleep and an AD.


I don’t get it. Did he raise the dose of the one AP you’re on?

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No I’m still on the two APs . The only change is the citalopram went from 20 to 10mg. For six weeks then next time I see him he changes more.

I’m worried


I think why he asked if I went on olanzapine is maybe because he wants to have that as my mood stabilizer and AP in one. But olanzapine on its own does little for me . I need amisulpride too.

Will amisulpride and mirtazapine be enough for me I wonder…

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Did you tell him that? Or does he just not listen?

No I didn’t because I’m just assuming he would replace the amisulpride. I didn’t check first but I’m just assuming. I have to still have a in depth discussion with him in future sessions.

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I’m on two meds, olanzapine and Lexapro. I do not like the idea of being on a lot of meds. It shifts the responsibility off me in too great a way. The meds are your help, not your savior.

It almost sounds like this went in the exact opposite direction that it should have with your psychiatrist

Do you feel like ur psychiatrist fully understands the situation ur in? With how you’re doing?

Don’t give up advocating for yourself


All I know is I feel anchorless and adrift


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